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How do you find the equation of a line parallel to another line?

How do you find the equation of a line parallel to another line?

So, to find an equation of a line that is parallel to another, you have to make sure both equations have the same slope. In the general equation of a line y=mx+b , the m represents your slope value.

What is the slope of a line parallel to Y 6x 8?

All lines that are parallel to y=6x−8 y = 6 x – 8 have the same slope of 6 .

Which of the following equations defines a line that is parallel to the line y =- 4 3x 4?

The equation of the line parallel to y=43x−4 that passes through (8,6) is y=43x−143 . Question #2: Perpendicular means negative reciprocal slopes. Hence, the slope perpendicular to y=43x−4 is y=−34 .

Which equation represents a line which is parallel to the y axis?

A line that is parallel to the y-axis is of the form ‘x=k’, where ‘k’ is any real number and ‘k’ is the distance of the line from the y-axis. For example, the equation of a line which is of the form x = 3 is a line parallel to the y-axis and is 3 units away from the y-axis.

Which equation is parallel?

In a linear equation of the form y=mx+b, parallel lines will always have the same m. Practice writing parallel equations given different pieces of information.

What is the slope of Y 6x 8?

The Slope Is: m=−6. The y -intercept Is: b=8 or (0,8)

What is the equation of the line that is parallel to the line 5x 2y 12?

The equation 5x – 2y = -12 is in standard form Ax + By = C where A = 5, B = -2 and C = -12. The slope of a line in Standard form is m = -A / B therefore the slope is -5 / -2 or 5/2. y – 3 = (5/2) (x – -2) or y – 3 = (5/2) (x + 2). You might be expected to write the equation in Slope-Intercept form or Standard form.

How do you find the y-intercept of a line that passes through one point?

Using the “slope-intercept” form of the line’s equation (y = mx + b), you solve for b (which is the y-intercept you’re looking for). Substitute the known slope for m, and substitute the known point’s coordinates for x and y, respectively, in the slope-intercept equation. That will let you find b.

What is the equation of a line that passes through the origin?

y = mx
In general, therefore, the equation y = mx represents a straight line passing through the origin with gradient m. The equation of a straight line with gradient m passing through the origin is given by y = mx . Consider the straight line with equation y = 2x + 1.

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