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In which two types of government do citizens vote for representatives?

In which two types of government do citizens vote for representatives?

Representative democracy is a form of democracy in which people vote for representatives who then vote on policy initiatives as opposed to direct democracy, a form of democracy in which people vote on policy initiatives directly.

What type of government is ruled by representatives?

republic, form of government in which a state is ruled by representatives of the citizen body.

What type of government in which citizens have a say in what happens?

Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows people to participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws.

How does the government work in a parliamentary democracy?

In a parliamentary democracy, the citizens participate by voting on the members of the law making body (legislature or parliament) and the political party with the most members within the legislature gets to choose who the chief executive (leader of government) will be.

What kind of governments are there in Africa?

Name two presidential democracies found in Africa today Kenya and Nigeria In this type of government, citizens have virtually no role because all decisions are made by a single leader Autocracy What type of democracy is found in South Africa Parliamentary In this Country, citizens have gained more equality since Apartheid ended in 1994.

What is the role of Parliament in the Constitution?

The mandate of Parliament is based on the provisions of chapter 4 of the Constitution, which establishes Parliament and sets out the functions it performs. Parliament is elected to represent the people, ensure government by the people under the Constitution, and represent the interests of provinces in the national sphere of government.

How is participatory democracy a form of representative democracy?

Participatory democracy is based on the premise that public participation processes strengthen institutions of representative democracy by actively involving the public in the decision-making processes of government.

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