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Is drain a long vowel?

Is drain a long vowel?

In addition, the long a sound can be represented in 2 vowel teams (“ai” and “ay”)….Long A Words.

Long A Words Category Word Family / Sound
drain Vowel Team – AI -ain
drake Magic E Rule -ake
drape Magic E Rule -ape
eight Irregular Vowel Team – EI

Is pipe long or short vowel?

If the vowel sound is short ah, eh, ih, oh, uh then e is not needed. If the vowel sound is long ay, ee, eye, ow, you then we add the e at the end to make the vowel say its own name….Study the word list: Long and short vowel sounds and.

cut When he cut his leg there was a flood of blood.
pipe There was a blockage in the pipe. *
hat What are you wearing that hat for?

Is soap a short vowel?

Children make new words with the long-o sound by changing the first letter in a word.

Is the word read a short or long vowel?

Some words use the short vowel sound and the long vowel sound, depending on the tense of the word. Words like “read,” for example, are pronounced as the long vowel sound when the tense is present. For example, “We are reading this list of short vowel words.”.

Why does the word main have a long vowel?

So in the case of “A,” the word “main” might have a long “A” sound because we pronounce the “A” as /ā/, whereas the word “man” has a short vowel sound.

What are the rules for long vowel sounds?

Follow these rules: 1 Long A sound is AY as in cake. 2 Long E sound is EE an in sheet. 3 Long I sound is AHY as in like. 4 Long O sound is OH as in bone. 5 Long U sound is YOO as in human or OO as in crude.

Can a short vowel occur at the end of a syllable?

The “short” vowel sounds cannot occur at the end of a syllable in English. They must be followed by a consonant. In linguistics, they are called “checked” vowels. We actually have six of them, the other one being “u/oo” as in “put” or “good”.

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