Common questions

What can sound not be transmitted through?

What can sound not be transmitted through?

Sound is a mechanical wave and cannot travel through a vacuum. Light is an electromagnetic wave and can travel through the vacuum of outer space.

What materials can transmit sound?

A material’s elasticity or “springiness” is also important for transmitting sound: less elastic substances such as hard foams and paper are more likely to absorb sound than carry it. The best materials for carrying sound waves include some metals such as aluminum, and hard substances like diamond.

What affects sound transmission?

There are several important factors which affect the propagation of sound: geometric spreading, atmospheric effects, and surface effects. These are discussed separately below. This refers to the spreading of sound energy as a result of the expansion of the wavefronts. See: FREE FIELD, SIMPLE SOUND SOURCE.

What are the conditions of transmission of sound?

The speed of propagation of a sound wave is dependent upon the density of the medium of transmission. Weather conditions (e.g., temperature , pressure, humidity , etc.) and certain geophysical and topographical features (e.g., mountains or hills) can obstruct sound transmission.

What is a poor conductor of sound?

Examples of poor sound conductors would be: Feathers. Air. Cardboard.

What is the best transmit sound?

The speed of sound depends on the medium in which it is transported. Sound travels fastest through solids, slower through liquids and slowest through gases.

How is sound transmission affected by different materials?

A substance that is more dense per volume has more mass per volume. Usually, larger molecules have more mass. If a material is more dense because its molecules are larger, it will transmit sound slower. Sound waves are made up of kinetic energy.

What object that does not vibrate Cannot produce what?

Answer: An object that does not vibrate cannot produce sound .

Is glass bad for sound?

Glass is rigid, and its massiveness is limited by transparency requirements that keep it thin. Glass transmits a lot of sound energy at its resonant frequency and at low frequencies. Laminated glass and insulated glazing units both reduce sound transmission through glass by reducing resonance and adding air-space.

What object that does not vibrate Cannot produce?

Are there any physical phenomena similar to sound?

Other physical phenomena similar to sound are acoustic emissions, which are elastic waves traveling through the material, similar to sound waves. Such thing as “thermal waves” (second sound) also exist]

Why does sound not travel through a vacuum?

A medium is essential for the propagation of sound. Sound cannot travel through a vacuum due to the fact that there are no molecules that can be compressed and expanded in space. Our voice is produced by the vibration of strings known as the vocal cords which is inside Adam’s apple.

What makes a material able to absorb sound?

Their ability to absorb sound waves is highly dependent on frequency, composition, thickness, and method of mounting. Materials with a high sound absorption coefficient are usually porous. Unlike soundproofing materials, sound absorbent materials aren’t dense, they’re permeable.

What happens when sound is transmitted down a solid conduit?

Also, the sound velocity will depend subtly on the sound frequency, so sound transmitted down a solid conduit will arrive at the other end with a sort of “chirp” distortion. (You can test this yourself: get someone to hit a long pipe with a hammer, creating a sharp sound pulse, while you put your ear to the other end. What do you hear?) Do you c

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