
What involves attaining a peaceful state of mind in which thoughts are not occupied by worry?

What involves attaining a peaceful state of mind in which thoughts are not occupied by worry?

hypnosis is a normal state in which the hypnotized person behavior the way he or she believes that a hypnotized person should behave. involves attaining a peaceful state of mind in which thoughts are not occupied by worry; is mindfully present to his or her thoughts and feelings but is not consumed by them.

What refers to the subconscious processing that leads to a solution to a problem after a break from conscious thought about the problem?

stream of consciousness, refers to the subconscious processing that leads to a solution to a problem after a break from conscious thought about the problem. Unconscious thought. said Freud, is a reservoir of unacceptable wishes, feelings, and thoughts that are beyond conscious awareness.

Is an altered state of consciousness or psychological state of altered attention?

Hypnosis- An altered state of consciousness or a psychological state of altered attention and expectation in which the individual is unusually receptive to suggestions.

Which of the following component’s are essential to the definition of consciousness?

The two main components of consciousness: wakefulness and awareness. Correlation between wakefulness, related to the brainstem, and awareness, related to the cortico-thalamic network. In most pathological and physiological states, the two components are linearly correlated along the spectrum of consciousness.

Is hypnosis altered state of consciousness?

Most people seem to think so; in a recent unpublished survey, psychologist Joseph Green of Ohio State University at Lima and his colleagues found that 77 percent of college students agreed that hypnosis is a distinctly altered state of consciousness.

What are psychological influences on hypnosis?

Psychological influence focused attention, expectations, heightened suggestibility, or dissociation between. normal sensations & conscious awareness. According to the biopsychosocial approach, identitfy a social-cultural influence on hypnosis.

Which of the following is the most influential explanation of hypnosis as an altered state of awareness?

Which of the following is the most influential explanation of hypnosis as an altered state of awareness? Hypnosis splits consciousness into two streams of awareness, one that communicates with the external world and the other that is the hidden observer.

Which of the following is an example of an altered state of consciousness?

There are also many common experiences that create altered states of consciousness (ASC), such as sleeping or daydreaming, sleep deprivation, euphoria or panic. Dream state, hypnosis, and meditation are also considered as ASC.

What’s an altered state of consciousness?

An altered state of consciousness is a change in one’s normal mental state as a result of trauma or accident or induced through meditation, drugs, some foods, etc. [1] The person is not unconscious. Dream state, hypnosis, and meditation are also considered as ASC.

What does it mean to have altered state of consciousness?

Mental disorder involves chemical changes in the brain that can alter the way a person sees, hears, thinks, and acts. These alterations in a person’s state of consciousness often create extreme suffering and disability. Mental disorders are commonly treated with prescription medications.

How is daydreaming considered an altered state of consciousness?

Daydreaming is also considered an altered state of consciousness. Many people daydream when they are bored. Like dreaming, daydreaming can feel very real and cause realistic images, memories, and feelings, as well as the reactions that go with them.

What kind of drug causes altered state of consciousness?

Prescription medications for mental disorders are just one type of psychoactive drug. A psychoactive drug is simply a big term for a drug that affects the brain and alters consciousness. Some drugs used for recreational or spiritual purposes are illegal due to their effects.

Which is the best description of a state of consciousness?

States of consciousness that require little attention and do not interfere with other on going activities. According to Freud, a reservoir of unacceptable wishes, feelings, and thoughts that are beyond conscious awareness. A natural state of rest for the body and mind that involves the reversible loss of consciousness.

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