
What is AER in medical terms?

What is AER in medical terms?

, aero- Combining forms meaning the air, a gas; aerial, gassy. [G.

Is air a prefix?

The crossword clue Air: Prefix with 4 letters was last seen on the January 01, 2015. We think the likely answer to this clue is ATMO. Below are all possible answers to this clue ordered by its rank….Air: Prefix Crossword Clue.

Rank Word Clue
95% AERO Air: Prefix
95% OZONO Air: Prefix
37% PNEUM Air: Prefix.
37% AER Air: Prefix.

What does Aero mean in Greek?

Aero is a Greek prefix relating to flight and air. In British English, it is used as an adjective related to flight (e.g., as a shortened substitute for aeroplane).

What does Tocia mean?

-tocia is a suffix meaning labor (childbirth).

What does the prefix Pleur mean?

Pleur- is a combining form used like a prefix variously meaning “side,” “rib,” “lateral,” and “pleura.” Pleura is a term for the membrane around the lungs and makes a lining for the chest cavity; its adjective form is pleural. Pleuro- is often used in medical and scientific terms, including in anatomy and zoology.

What is a root word for Aer?

Regina Bailey. Updated September 09, 2019. The prefix (aer- or aero-) refers to air, oxygen, or a gas. It comes from the Greek aer meaning air or referring to the lower atmosphere.

What does Prefix Ana mean?

Noun. -ana. Prefix. Latin, from Greek, up, back, again, from ana up — more at on.

What word starts with Aer?

7-letter words that start with aer

  • aerobic.
  • aerosol.
  • aerogel.
  • aerator.
  • aerated.
  • aerates.
  • aeriest.
  • aerials.

Where does the prefix aero or Aer come from?

Definition: Aer- or Aero-. The prefix (aer- or aero-) refers to air, oxygen, or a gas. It comes from the Greek aer meaning air or referring to the lower atmosphere.

Are there any words with the word aer in them?

15 letter words containing aer. aerodynamicists. aerodynamically. aerosolizations. caernarvonshire. aerocartography. pentaerythritol. sphaerocarpales.

What does Aerogen stand for in medical terms?

Aeroembolism (aero – embol – ism) – a blood vessel obstruction caused by air or gas bubbles in the cardiovascular system. Aerogastralgia (aero – gastr – algia) – stomach pain resulting from excess air in the stomach. Aerogen (aero – gen) – a bacterium or microbe that produces gas.

What is the combining form of the word air?

a combining form meaning “air,” used in formation of compound words: aerodrome.

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