
What is the function of safety gloves?

What is the function of safety gloves?

Work gloves are meant to save the user’s hands and fingers from unnecessary wounds such as cuts, blisters, splinters, skin punctures or heat and chemical burns. Gloves vary in type depending on the work environment. Work gloves may also be known as safety gloves or protective gloves.

Why do workers wear gloves?

Wearing gloves can reduce the risk of contaminating food, but only when they are worn and changed properly. Gloves must be changed at least every four hours, when returning to work after a break, and when switching tasks. Glove use alone cannot stop the spread of pathogens. Food workers must also wash their hands.

How can gloves help in infection control?

Gloves provide an essential layer of barrier protection against direct contact with infectious agents that are transmitted during exposure to blood, saliva, contaminated objects and surfaces.

What is the importance of hand gloves apron and footwear?

Explanation: What is the importance of hand gloves, apron, and foot wear? Currently, the primary importance of these items for most members of society, is physical protection from the elements. Gloves protect hands from extreme cold, and, in some cases, from exposure to extreme heat (oven mitts) or chemicals.

When should you wear gloves in the kitchen?


  • To serve as a barrier between ready-to-eat food and bare skin contact.
  • To reduce the risk of cross-contamination in which, for example, raw meat juices on hands are not thoroughly washed off before changing tasks to make a sandwich.

When should you change gloves?

After 4 Continuous Hours. Bacteria and viruses can grow to dangerous levels if allowed. If your gloves haven’t become torn or dirty, the FDA recommends washing hands and putting on new gloves after 4 hours of continuous use. After 4 hours, pathogens could spread and contaminate the food you are working on.

Why is it important to use disposable gloves when treating infections?

Disposable medical gloves and non-sterile aprons are important items of personal protective equipment (PPE) used to protect health professionals from the risk of infection and to reduce opportunities for cross-transmission of micro-organisms (Loveday et al, 2014).

How do safety shoes protect?

It prevents from getting foot injuries due to slippery surface, heavy falling or rolling objects, sharp piercing edges, pinch points, rotary machinery, hot objects, loops of ropes under tension, splinters, electricity, chemicals or even bad weather etc.

Why do McDonald’s workers not wear gloves?

On the company’s website it states that stores have separate teams allocated to serving customers and handling money from those that are preparing food. In the kitchen they have a system of colour-coded gloves to avoid bare hand contact with raw foods and to handle some ready-to-eat food items.

Why do we wear gloves when handling food?

Do I need to wear gloves? Food handling gloves are not required to be worn under the current food legislation. Clean gloves may help prevent unnecessary contact with ready- to-eat food. However, if gloves become torn or contaminated and are continued to be used to handle food, they will contaminate food.

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