
What is the symbol for radioactive material?

What is the symbol for radioactive material?

Ionizing radiation symbol

Radioactive sign
In Unicode U+2622 ☢ RADIOACTIVE SIGN (HTML ☢ )

What is the radiation hazard symbol?

An officially prescribed magenta or black trefoil on a yellow background, which must be displayed where certain quantities of radioactive materials are present or where certain doses of radiation could be received.

What does the radioactive symbol mean?

The presence of this symbol (a magenta or black propeller on a yellow background) on a sign denotes the need for caution to avoid contamination with or undue exposure to atomic radiation. The wording on the sign varies with the level of potential radiation in the area.

Where can you find radioactive signs?

Signs are posted at each entrance to an area where radioactive material is used or stored in accordance with WAC 246-221-120 and 130. Any equipment or container used for temporary or long-term handling or storage of radioactive material may also be required to be labeled with the Caution – Radioactive Material label.

Where is the radioactive symbol found?

All areas and equipment in which radioactive material is stored and used may be posted (labeled) with a sign reading Caution – Radioactive Material that includes the conventional three-blade radiation symbol (trefoil). The blades of the symbol must be magenta, black or purple on a yellow background.

What is the symbol for alpha radiation?

Table 11.1 The Three Main Forms of Radioactive Emissions

Characteristic Alpha Particles Gamma Rays
symbols α, 42He γ
identity helium nucleus electromagnetic radiation
charge 2+ none
mass number 4 0

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