
What US state is closest in size to Japan?

What US state is closest in size to Japan?

6) In land area Japan is about the size of California, but in population it ranks sixth in the world (behind China, India, the United States, Indonesia and Brazil).

Is California bigger than Korea?

California is about 4 times bigger than South Korea. South Korea is approximately 99,720 sq km, while California is approximately 403,882 sq km, making California 305% larger than South Korea. We have positioned the outline of South Korea near the middle of California.

Is China bigger than California?

China is about 24 times bigger than California. Meanwhile, the population of California is ~37.3 million people (1.4 billion more people live in China). We have positioned the outline of California near the middle of China.

Is Japan bigger than the US?

United States is about 26 times bigger than Japan. Japan is approximately 377,915 sq km, while United States is approximately 9,833,517 sq km, making United States 2,502% larger than Japan. Meanwhile, the population of Japan is ~125.5 million people (207.1 million more people live in United States).

Is Japan smaller than the US?

Japan is about 26 times smaller than United States. United States is approximately 9,833,517 sq km, while Japan is approximately 377,915 sq km, making Japan 3.84% the size of United States. Meanwhile, the population of United States is ~332.6 million people (207.1 million fewer people live in Japan).

Is California the second largest US state?

Alaska is the largest US state by landmass, followed by Texas and then California. While California is the most populated state, it is 60% the size of Texas and only 25% the size of Alaska. Rhode Island can fit in Alaska over 420 times.

What is bigger in Japan?

Big in Japan is an expression that can be used to describe Western (especially North American or European) musical groups who achieve success in Japan but not necessarily in other parts of the world.

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