Common questions

Where do dolphins like to live?

Where do dolphins like to live?

Most dolphins are marine and live in the ocean or brackish waters along coastlines. There are a few species, however, like the South Asian river dolphin and the Amazon river dolphin, or boto, that live in freshwater streams and rivers.

Why do dolphins live in the sea?

Why do dolphins have to live in the water? Dolphins can’t breathe under water because they don’t have gills. They have lungs just like people and must breathe air. Dolphins have to live in water because they would overheat and dry out on land.

Can dolphins sense pregnant woman?

“They (dolphins) can tell when another dolphin is pregnant and they can certainly tell when a human is pregnant,” said Dr. Janet Mann of Georgetown University.

What is a dolphin’s life span?

Dolphins are known to be extremely intelligent and trained dolphins are able to imitate human behavior during play. The average life expectancy of a dolphin is 30 years, however their lifespan can vary from 20 – 50 years depending on the species and their situation.

Where do dolphins live and their habitat?

Habitat and Distribution. Dolphins live in all of the world’s seas and oceans; many inhabit coastal areas or areas with shallower water. While most dolphins prefer warmer tropical or temperate waters one species, the orca (sometimes called killer whale) lives in both the Arctic Ocean and the Antarctic Southern Ocean.

How do dolphins survive?

Dolphins adapted to their environment. Because of these adaptations they are able to survive on their own. One of the features on a dolphin is its long nose. This very strong nose helps them protect itself against its predators, like killing sharks . A fish’s back fin sways from side to side.

What are facts about dolphins?

Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals and are part of the family of toothed whales that includes orcas and pilot whales. They are found worldwide, mostly in shallow seas of the continental shelves, and are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid. Dolphin coloration varies, but they are generally gray in color with darker backs…

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