Common questions

Which stove do you light first riddle?

Which stove do you light first riddle?

The answer to this riddle is match, you will light match first.

What goes through the door without pinching itself what sits on the stove without burning itself what sits on the table and is not ashamed?

The answer for What sits on the stove without burning itself? What sits on the table and is not ashamed? Riddle is “Sunlight.”

What can go up a chimney down?

According to Riddle Spot, the answer to the riddle “What goes up the chimney down but cannot go down the chimney up?” is an umbrella. An umbrella is very thin and narrow when it is down, so it can fit through the narrow opening of a chimney.

How can a net hold water?

21. When does a net hold water? When the water is frozen.

What has a face two hands but no body?

RIDDLE: What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? SOLUTION: A clock!

Why is a river rich?

River is rich because it contains most important resource water. Water is most important to live on the Earth surface…

Why do you need to Riddle a wood stove?

Riddling removes the ash, allowing air to circulate freely. To burn well, solid fuels such as coal or coke need a steady stream of air from beneath the fire. If ash builds up in the stove’s firebox, it will block the flow of air from the dampers. Wood needs a stream of air from above the fire to burn well.

Where is the riddling plate on a stove?

A stove often has a “riddling plate”, a grate in the floor of its firebox. When you shake the grate, ash and cinders drop out of the firebox and collect in an ash pan, housed in a separate compartment of the stove directly below.

When do you Riddle a solid fuel fire?

Riddle a solid fuel fire whenever you add more coke or coal, when the coals stop glowing, or when you can see a large build-up of grey ash inside the firebox. After the fire is out, riddle the ash again to clear the firebox, ready for laying a fresh fire.

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