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Who was one of the first colonists to speak against the Stamp Act?

Who was one of the first colonists to speak against the Stamp Act?

4. Who was Patrick Henry? A Virginia lawyer who was one of the first to speak out against the Stamp Act.

What captured British tax collectors?

Though no stamp commissioner was actually tarred and feathered, this Medieval brutality was a popular form of 18th century mob violence in Great Britain, particularly against tax collectors. Tarring and feathering dated back to the days of the Crusades and King Richard the Lionhearted.

Who wrote plays about British leaders being greedy?

Mercy Otis Warren
In protest, Mercy Otis Warren wrote plays that accused the British leaders of being greedy.

Who wrote plays to publicly criticize British actions to protest British laws?

In the early days of colonial opposition to British rule, Warren produced several plays, which were published anonymously, but helped fan the flames of American Patriotism. Among Warren’s most influential works were three satirical plays that criticized British colonial leaders.

Who helped found the Committees of Correspondence?

Samuel Adams
The first standing Committee of Correspondence was formed by Samuel Adams and twenty other Patriot leaders in November of 1772 in Boston in response to the Gaspée Affair, which had occurred the previous June in the colony of Rhode Island.

Who passed a tax on colonial newspapers?

In 1765, Britain’s parliament passed a tax on all colonial newspapers, pamphlets, and other papers.

Was Patrick Henry part of the Boston Tea Party?

When the British closed the port of Boston in response to the Boston Tea Party, the Virginia House of Burgesses declared June 1, 1774 would be a day of fasting and prayer in support for the people of Boston. Patrick Henry was an elected representative to this congress for the colony of Virginia.

What does Patrick Henry argue?

An outspoken Anti-Federalist, Henry opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, which he felt put too much power in the hands of a national government. His influence helped create the Bill of Rights, which guaranteed personal freedoms and set limits on the government’s power.

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