
Why did Margo throw water at mother?

Why did Margo throw water at mother?

Gerald’s mother was drenched in water and as she could not stand cold water she lost her breath. Explanation: When little Gerald came home he brought a mother scorpion with him. Margo in order to save himself threw a glass of water at it.

Why did mother lose her breath?

Question 15: Why did the mother lose her breath and sat gasping? Answer: When Margo hurled a glass of water on scorpions, it completely missed the animal and drenched mother, who not being able to stand with cold water, lost breath and sat gasping at the end of the table.

Why did the mother lose her breath and sat gasping?

Why does Gerald hate his stepfather in forged by fire?

Gerald quickly develops a fondness for Angel, feeling protective of her. He hates his stepfather, Jordan Sparks, due to his violent temper and frequent outbursts. Jordan is a drunk. Afraid of him as well, Monique fails to defend her children from him.

Why is Monique hitting Gerald in forged by fire?

When his sister’s life is threatened because of his mother’s addiction, he knows something needs to change and feels compelled to take action. Monique is physically abusive towards Gerald, hitting him whenever the mood strikes her.

Why did Gerald have an affair with Birlings?

This class of people were still capable of questionable behaviour. Gerald has an affair and initially tries to avoid telling the truth. Priestley also suggests that they saw themselves above the problems of the working-classes – Gerald tries to get himself and the Birlings out of trouble.

How is Gerald used in Lord of the flies?

Priestley uses Gerald to attack the upper-classes of post-war Britain. He shows that despite outward appearances, Gerald is described as an ‘attractive chap’ and ‘well-bred’. This class of people were still capable of questionable behaviour. Gerald has an affair and initially tries to avoid telling the truth.

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