
Why does animals with external fertilization produce more eggs?

Why does animals with external fertilization produce more eggs?

External fertilization in an aquatic environment protects the eggs from drying out. Therefore, millions of eggs must be produced by individuals. The offspring produced through this method must mature rapidly. The survival rate of eggs produced through broadcast spawning is low.

Why do animals with external fertilization almost always live or reproduce in water?

External fertilisation of the female gamete by the male gamete takes place mostly in water; because water facilitates: extended period of gamete survival and easy movement of sperms towards egg.

How do animals using external fertilization synchronize the release of sperm and eggs?

Most anurans now externally fertilize. Copulation occurs when a male anuran hops onto the back of a female. They then move to a spot near water to simultaneously release their sperm and eggs. Other males in the area can also release sperm onto the eggs to also attempt to fertilize the eggs.

Why do animals external fertilization?

External fertilization in an aquatic environment protects the eggs from drying out. Broadcast spawning can result in a greater mixture of the genes within a group, leading to higher genetic diversity and a greater chance of species survival in a hostile environment.

Why do some animals produce more eggs?

The reason that some animals lay eggs is because that is more beneficial to them than than it is to give birth to a live offspring. And there are some species, like the yellow-bellied three-toed skink, where some animals have evolved to give birth and others lay eggs depending on where they live.

Which fertilization is more advanced external fertilization or internal fertilization give reasons?

External fertilization is primitve and internal fertilization is advance. External fertilization is not advanced because it occurs outside the body of the organisms, mostly in water in most aquatic organisms so that a large number of gametes are wasted.

How does external fertilization differ from internal fertilization?

Complete answer: Internal fertilization is the process when the syngamy (union of male and female gamete) occurs inside the female body after insemination using copulation. In contrast, External fertilization is the syngamy outside the female body, that is in the outer environment especially in water bodies.

Why animals which undergo external Fertilisation lay hundreds of eggs?

Why animals which undergo external fertilisation lay hundreds of eggs? These animals lay hundreds of eggs but all the eggs do not fertilise and develop into new individuals. The eggs get exposed to water movement, wind and rainfall. Thus, production of large number of eggs ensure fertilisation of at least few of them.

Why do some animals lay a lot of eggs while others only lay a few?

Clutch size in birds and reptiles has long been studied by biologists, who have found generally that species that are short-lived or have a low survival rate among their offspring tend to lay more eggs at one time to increase the chances of having surviving offspring.

What is the difference between internal and external fertilization in animals?

Why are more sperm needed to fertilize an egg?

Because external fertilization results in greater dispersal of fertilizing agents and so, to increase the chances of actual fertilization more sperm and egg cells must be produced. It’s a numbers game.

Why is external fertilization a disadvantage for most animals?

It is a reproductive disadvantage for most of the animals because most of the gametes die without being fertilized. External fertilization is, however, a simple reproductive strategy which does not require the involvement of any hormones or mating rituals.

How does external fertilization take place in humans?

External fertilization also takes place in humans but it is not natural. A few females have blocked oviducts. The sperms cannot reach the eggs and the female cannot conceive. In this situation, the doctors collect freshly released eggs and sperms and keep them together for several hours for in-vitro fertilization.

What is the process of fertilization in animals?

Fertilization in Animals: The Process of Fertilization in Animals– Explained! Fertilization in Animals: The Process of Fertilization in Animals! The union of the cytoplasm and pronuclei of the male females gametes to form a diploid zygote is known as the fertilization. Fertilization necessitates discharge of ova and sperms in close proximity.

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