
Why Weedicides do not affect main crop?

Why Weedicides do not affect main crop?

The most popularly used weedicides are 2, 4-D Ethyl ester, Neem extract, Glyphosate etc. By spraying weedicides, only weeds are killed but not our crop plants. This is because the chemicals used to prepare weedicides are specifically made for killing or destroying the weeds that’s why they could not harm our crop.

Are Weedicides harmful for crops?

Weedicides are chemicals used to destroy the weeds. They do not harm the crops, but can have a bad effect on the farmer’s health.So, the farmers should cover their mouth while spraying these weedicides.It is also mentioned in lesson-7 of this chapter.

Do Weedicides have any impact on main crop Yes No?

No! Explanation: They are the special chemicals which are sprayed over fields to get rid of weeds but they will not show any effect on crop plants.

How does a Weedicide work?

Both the nature of the weeds and that of the crops which they infest, influence the action of the weedicides. Weedicides are the chemicals which are sprayed over field to get rid of weeds. They will not show any effect on crop plants. Two popularly used weedicides are 2,4-D Ethyl ester, Neem extract, Glyphosate etc.

What are Weedicides name one Weedicide What are the harmful effects of weeds in the crop field?

Weedicides are the chemicals which are sprayed over field to get rid of weeds. They will not show any effect on crop plants. Two popularly used weedicides are 2,4-D Ethyl ester, Neem extract, Glyphosate etc. Weeds extend the harmful effects slowly, steadily and inconspicuously and the effect is almost unchangeable.

Which one is not a Weedicide?

Colchicine is a mitotic inhibitor and not a weedicide.

Why Weedicides are used by farmer?

Weedicides or herbicides are traditionally used commercially by farmers to maximize their crop production by eliminating or reducing weed populations amongst their crops.

Why Weedicides should be used very carefully by farmers?

Weeds are also controlled by using certain chemicals, called weedicides, like 2,4-D. These are sprayed in the fields to kill the weeds. So they should use these chemicals very carefully. They should cover their nose and mouth with a piece of cloth during spraying of these chemicals.

Why are herbicides better than Weedicides?

Herbicides are used to control the growth of small plants. Weedicides are used to control the growth of weeds in specific. The main difference is that herbicide is a substance used to kill plants while weedicide is a weedkiller.

Why is Weedicide used?

Weedicides are chemicals that are sprayed on fields to kill weeds. They will have no effect on crop plants. Weedicides that are commonly used include 2,4-D Ethyl ester, Neem extract, Glyphosate, and others.

Why Weedicides are spread in the field?

weedicides are the chemicals which are spread over field to get rid of weeds. weeds are the unwanted plants which affect the growth of plant.

What is the most common Weedicide?

2, 4-D (2, 4-dichlorophenoxy) is a systemic phenoxy herbicide developed in the 1940s and it remains one of the most commonly used herbicides in the world….Examples of weedicides:

  • 2 4 Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid.
  • Naphathelene acetic acid.
  • Atrazine.
  • Glyphospate SL.
  • Metribuzin WP.

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