
In what plant group is the gametophyte?

In what plant group is the gametophyte?

In bryophytes, such as mosses and liverworts, the gametophyte is the dominant life phase, whereas in angiosperms and gymnosperms the sporophyte is dominant. The haploid phase is also dominant among fungi.

What is gametophyte called?

The egg producing gametophyte is known as a megagametophyte, because it is typically larger, and the sperm producing gametophyte is known as a microgametophyte. Gametophytes which produce egg and sperm on separate plants are termed dioicous.

Are bryophytes gametophyte?

Bryophytes are gametophyte dominant, meaning that the more prominent, longer-lived plant is the haploid gametophyte. The diploid sporophytes appear only occasionally and remain attached to and nutritionally dependent on the gametophyte.

What is the gametophyte in bryophytes?

The gametophyte is the dominant life phase in the Bryophytes. The gametophyte produces structures known as antheridia and archegonia, which produce the male and female gametes respectively. The antheridia produce many biflagellate sperm cells, which require liquid water to swim to the egg cell.

How are Gametophytes produced by bryophytes?

Bryophytes have neither pollen nor flowers and rely on water to carry the male gametes (the sperm) to the female gametes (the eggs). The spore capsules are produced after the sperm have fertilized the eggs. Hence the spores are part of the sexual reproductive cycle. A germinating spore produces a new gametophyte.

Is ovule a Sporophyte or gametophyte?

Ovules are initially composed of diploid maternal tissue, which includes a megasporocyte (a cell that will undergo meiosis to produce megaspores). Megaspores remain inside the ovule and divide by mitosis to produce the haploid female gametophyte or megagametophyte, which also remains inside the ovule.

Which is are gametophyte in Pinus?

The female gametophyte of Pinus develops from the functional megaspore which enlarges considerably. Development of female gametophyte in Pinus is monosporic, as it develops from one megaspore. -The nucellus of the megaspore divides mitotically forming a large number of nuclei unaccompanied by wall formation.

Which is the gametophyte form of most liverworts?

In most liverworts, the gametophyte is procumbent, although in some species it is erect. Typically, the gametophyte has a subterranean rhizoid, a specialized single-celled structure which anchors the liverwort to its substrate and takes up nutrients from the soil.

What is Antheridia and Archegonia?

1 likes. Hint: Antheridia is the male sex organ, and is a haploid structure whose function is to produce male gametes called antherozoids or sperms. Archegonia is the female sex organ, which produces female gametes mainly in cryptogams. It is responsible for the production of female gametes that are egg cells or ova.

Which is the dominant phase of the gametophyte?

Thus, the gametophyte stage is dominant in the more primitive (nonvascular) plants (bryophytes), whereas the sporophyte is the dominant phase in the life cycle of higher (i.e., vascular) plants. In algae, the dominant phase often depends on environmental conditions, though some species have determinant life cycles.

What’s the difference between a gametophyte and a sporophyte?

The main difference between gametophyte and sporophyte is that the gametophyte is the sexual phase of the plant life cycle whereas sporophyte is the asexual phase. Another difference is that gametophytes are haploid and produced by meiosis whereas sporophytes are diploid and produced by mitosis.

Are there male and female gametophytes in bryophytes?

The gametophyte produces structures known as antheridia and archegonia, which produce the male and female gametes respectively. Collectively these structures are known as gametangia. While some bryophyte species have gametophytes that produce gametangia of both sexes on a single individual, others have separate male and female gametophytes.

Where does the gametophyte of a conifer live?

The gametophytes of conifers, like those of other seed plants, live out their brief, nonphotosynthetic lives almost entirely within the spore wall. All of their nutrition is derived from the parent sporophyte. The female gametophyte is never released from the tree until the…

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