Common questions

Can I get a Scottish passport if my great grandparent was Scottish?

Can I get a Scottish passport if my great grandparent was Scottish?

People with Scottish descent (a parent or grandparent who qualifies for Scottish citizenship) would be able to apply for Scottish citizenship. Likewise, anyone who has lived in Scotland for at least 10 years at any point in their life and can show a ‘demonstrable connection’ to Scotland could apply for citizenship.

Can I get a British passport if my great-grandparents are British?

You can claim British citizenship by double descent if you have a grandparent (and in rare cases a great-grandparent) born in the UK. This is known as double descent. Children under the age of 18 will need to claim citizenship before the age of 18 or they will lose all rights to British nationality.

Can you get Irish citizenship through great great-grandparents?

Unfortunately, we are not eligible to apply for Irish citizenship on the basis that a great grandparent was born in Ireland. However, an exception DOES exist! So, if you are a great grandchild who hopes to be eligible to apply for citizenship one day, it may be a good idea for your parent to obtain citizenship now.

Is your nationality where you were born or your parents?

Your nationality is the country you come from: American, Canadian, and Russian are all nationalities. Everyone has a gender, race, sexual orientation…and a nationality. A person’s nationality is where they are a legal citizen, usually in the country where they were born.

Can you get citizenship through great-grandparents?

Citizenship by descent is a means whereby an individual is eligible to claim citizenship if his/her parents, grandparents, or sometimes even great-grandparents hail from a given country. The person who’s applying for citizenship by descent will have to provide proof of his/her bloodline to the government to qualify.

Can I get German citizenship if my great-grandparents were German?

If you do have family ties, then you may be eligible to apply for German citizenship by descent. This means that if one of your parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents was a German citizen, then you may also be one!

Who would be entitled to a Scottish passport?

In an independent Scotland all British citizens born or habitually resident in Scotland on day one of independence will have the right to acquire a Scottish passport, although, as in most countries, there will be no requirement to hold one.

How do I become a citizen of Scotland by descent?

How to Get Scottish Citizenship

  1. Be over the age of 18.
  2. Pass the Good character requirement – this means you should not have committed immigration fraud or been convicted of any serious crimes.
  3. Be living in the UK and have permission to remain in the UK during the entire duration of the citizenship application process.

Can a great-grandparent become a British citizen?

UK immigration rules allow an automatic claim to British Citizenship if you have a grandparent (and, in rare cases, a great-grandparent) born in the UK. This is known as British Citizenship double descent.

Is the paternal grandfather born in the UK?

Your parents married before 1949 and your paternal grandfather was born in the UK. Your maternal grandfather was born in the UK and you were born in a “foreign country” (including SA, the USA and most European countries)

Is it possible to get Scottish citizenship by descent?

Following independence, other people will be able to apply for Scottish citizenship. For example, citizenship by descent will be available to those who have a parent or grandparent who qualifies for Scottish citizenship.

Who is eligible for British citizenship by descent?

A parent who is British has given birth to the child who is classed as ‘stateless’ when they are born (the child does not take up the citizenship of the country that they were born or the nationality of their parents) can be eligible to apply for British Citizenship by descent

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