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Do you put a period at the end of a sentence that ends with an abbreviation?

Do you put a period at the end of a sentence that ends with an abbreviation?

When you end a sentence with an abbreviation, you don’t need an extra period. The period that ends the abbreviation also ends the sentence. Think of it as an environmentally friendly rule—one dot of ink serves two purposes.

Do you put an extra period after us at the end of a sentence?

No. A sentence should never have two periods at the end. If a sentence ends with an abbreviation followed by a period, do not add an additional period: She explained the rules for periods, commas, semicolons, etc.

Can you have two periods at the end of a sentence?

This one is simple enough: never double up periods. If a statement ends with “etc.” the period in the abbreviation does double duty, serving as the full stop to end the sentence. If, however, you need another mark of punctuation after an abbreviation, you can put it after the period.

How do you end a sentence when the last word has a period?

A period is a small dot-shaped punctuation mark that is used at the end of any sentence that is intended to make a statement. As with other punctuation marks that end sentences, the period should be placed directly behind the last letter of the last word of the sentence.

What if you put a period at the end of a statement?

A period marks the end of a declarative sentence: a statement of fact. A period can also be used to end an imperative sentence, i.e., a sentence that gives a command.

Do I put another period after us?

No, only one period is used when a sentence ends in an abbreviation, as far as I know.

Do you need a full stop after us?

In initialisms, full stops are somewhat more often placed after each initial in American English (e.g., U.S., U.S.S.R.) than in British English (e.g., US, USSR);[citation needed] . However, for acronyms that are pronounced like words (e.g., NATO), full stops are omitted in American English.”

What does 2 periods after a sentence mean?

So the shortened 2 dots is a short pause, when there’s no time to get further into it and it’s left open-ended. 3 dots is a formal gap with a meaning of omission in formal writing, or meaning you have left out what us to come. 4 dots is an ending, provoking more thought.

Do you put a period at the end of a title?

Yes. If a title ends with a punctuation mark, include the mark: For examples of titles ending in punctuation marks other than a period, see our previous post.

Do you put a period after lb and oz?

Some are written in capital letters; others use lowercase letters….Abbreviations in All Capitals.

Periods (Exception to the Above Rule)
The Abbreviation for District of Columbia
Acronyms Abbreviations Pronounced Letter by Letter

When do you put a period at the end of a sentence?

If lowercase, use periods. If capitals, do not use periods. If you end a sentence with an abbreviation containing a period, do not put another period at the end of the sentence. However, if a sentence ends in an exclamation mark or a question mark, include both the abbreviation’s period and the end mark.

Do you put a period at the end of an abbreviation?

If you end a sentence with an abbreviation containing a period, do not put another period at the end of the sentence. However, if a sentence ends in an exclamation mark or a question mark, include both the abbreviation’s period and the end mark. Exercises are reserved for account holders. Need an account? Sign up to get started.

When do you double up periods in a sentence?

This one is simple enough: never double up periods. If a statement ends with “etc.” the period in the abbreviation does double duty, serving as the full stop to end the sentence. If, however, you need another mark of punctuation after an abbreviation, you can put it after the period. So: This was her first trip to the U.S.

When to put a comma at the end of a sentence?

However, if etc. occurs at the end of a clause, you can add a comma or other punctuation mark after it. I bought the apples, oranges, etc., but they were all rotten. Grammar.ccc.com gives the following rule: When an abbreviation with a period ends a sentence, that period will suffice to end the sentence.

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