
How did Athena convince Nausicaa to go to the seashore?

How did Athena convince Nausicaa to go to the seashore?

Share on Social Media: dreams she needs to go to seashore and wash clothes, she will find her husband Odysseus wakes.

Why does Nausicaa go to the river to wash clothes?

Why does Nausicaa go to the river to wash clothes? Because Athena told her to so she could be clean to get married. That he should have clean clothes so that he is presentable to the princes and the brothers should so that they could meet women.

Does Odysseus hug Nausicaa by knees?

The maids ran away at the sight of the brine-encrusted stranger, but Nausicaa stood her ground. Odysseus had to choose between touching her knees in the gesture of a suppliant or staying back and trusting to words. In her candid way, Nausicaa sized him up and saw that he meant no harm.

What subliminal message does Athena give Nausicaa?

What “subliminal” messages does Athena give to Nausicaa while she’s sleeping? She tells Nausicaa that she will not be a maiden long, for with all the suitors that wish to ask for her hand, her wedding day is near at hand.

Who persuades Nausicaa down to the seashore?

Odysseus has washed up on shore in the land where the Phaeacians live, ruled by the king Alcinous. While an exhausted Odysseus sleeps, Athena appears to the king’s daughter, Nausicaa, in a dream and convinces her that she must go down to the washing pools and clean her laundry.

How does Nausicaa meet Ulysses?

On this the maids left off running away and began calling one another back. They made Ulysses sit down in the shelter as Nausicaa had told them, and brought him a shirt and cloak….The Meeting Between Nausicaa and Ulysses.

[1] Then the Ogygian island was not so far off, but that Nausicaa might be assumed to know where it was.
[2] Greek [Greek]

How is Athena portrayed in the Odyssey?

As goddess of wisdom and battle, Athena naturally has a soft spot for the brave and wily Odysseus. Athena is confident, practical, clever, a master of disguises, and a great warrior, characteristics she finds reflected in Telemachus. Her role as goddess of the womanly arts gets very little attention in The Odyssey.

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