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How does Athena convince Nausicaa to go to the seashore?

How does Athena convince Nausicaa to go to the seashore?

Share on Social Media: dreams she needs to go to seashore and wash clothes, she will find her husband Odysseus wakes.

Why does Athena put mist around Odysseus?

Athena has provided a mist to cover the land so that she can privately alter Odysseus’ appearance and help him hide his treasure. Athena turns the hero into an old beggar, even going so far as to shrivel his skin, remove the “russet curls” (13.456) from his head, and dim the fire in his eyes.

How does Athena arrange the meeting of Odysseus and Nausicaa?

11. How does Athena arrange the meeting of Odysseus and King Alcinous’ daughter Nausicaa? She makes him handsome after he bathes, and gives him wisdom when speaking to Nausicaa, which wins him the princesses’ favor and help.

What did Athena do Nausicaa?

In the dream, the goddess Athena gave Naussica an image of her wedding day. Nausicaa does not run away when Odysseus comes out of the woods because “Athena put courage into her heart and took away all fear from her”.

What is nausica’s plan for going through town in Book 6 and why does she need such a plan?

How does Nausicaa plan on entering the city? She will go ahead with her girls so that no gossip ensues, and Odysseus can follow behind, waiting in a poplar grove temporarily. She suggests finding the queen first upon finding the palace.

How does Nausicaa help Odysseus?

More practically, Nausicaa does quite a bit for Odysseys: she gives Odysseus what he needs to bathe and wash himself, and she gives him food and drink. As well, Nausicaa leads the way to her father’s palace, ensuring that Odysseus will make it to his audience with the king safely.

What advice does Nausicaa give Odysseus?

Nausicaa tells Odysseus to “follow the mules and wagon,” walking with her maids toward town, while she leads the way. Once they begin to approach the city, she tells Odysseus to stop and wait in her father’s orchard, giving her and her maids time to get to her father’s house within town.

Who gave Nausicaa the idea to wash the laundry?

1. Why does Princess Nausicaa decide to wash all of the linen? Athena appears to her in the form of her friend, Dymas’ daughter, and tells her that washing her clothes and dressing more elegantly will help her find marriage soon. 2.

Who was Nausicaa and how did she meet Odysseus?

Nausicaa is the Phaeacian princess who met the shipwrecked Odysseus when she was washing clothes on the shore. This young princess was looked after by Eurymedusa, a woman from Aperaea. Poseidon’s wrath.

What did Nausicaa do with her handmaids?

Nausicaa playing ball with her maids | od123flax: “Then when they had had their joy of food, she and her handmaids, they threw off their head-gear and fell to playing at ball, and white-armed Nausicaa was leader in the song.” (Hom. Od.6.100). John Flaxman (1755 – 1826).

What did Athena give the people of Athens?

After much thought, Athena decided to give the people of the city the gift of the olive tree. A highly practical choice, the olive tree provided the people with sustenance, fuel, and wood to create shelter. Her gift, however, wasn’t immediate.

Why did Athena lead Odysseus to town in the Odyssey?

The princess responds that Zeus must have destined Odysseus for pain, but agrees to lead him to town, because it is customary to be friendly to strangers and beggars. Odysseus bathes, oils, and clothes himself, and Athena makes him very beautiful. The girls are amazed at the transformation; they give him food and drink.

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