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What is the difference between thematic map and topographic map?

What is the difference between thematic map and topographic map?

Answer: Topographic maps are general purpose which shows the visible features of the landscape such as relief, water bodies and roads. For example base, relief and city maps. Thematic maps are special purpose where the emphasis is placed on a particular element.

Is topographic map a thematic map?

Landforms, aspects of climate, vegetation and soil types, demographics, industry, manufacturing, and natural resources are examples of common thematic maps. A third classification is topographic maps.

What is the difference between maps and thematic maps?

Reference maps are used to communicate location on more static data points. Thematic maps communicate information in a geographic display where the map part is essential, but not the main idea that the map communicates.

What do you mean by thematic maps?

A thematic map is also called a special-purpose, single-topic, or statistical map. A thematic map focuses on the spatial variability of a specific distribution or theme (such as population density or average annual income), whereas a reference map focuses on the location and names of features.

What’s the difference between a thematic and a reference map?

Reference maps tell us what is there. Thematic maps tell us how it is there. For example, a reference map may show you all the towns and cities in Maryland. But a thematic map may tell us the median incomes of these towns, or the percent of households owning two or more cars.

What’s the difference between a political and a physical map?

A world map showing countries and major cities is a political map, as is one showing counties within a state. Political maps are often used for teaching or display. However, they can be used to assert international border claims. Physical maps illustrate the features of land and water within an area.

What are physical features on a reference map?

These physical features include rivers, mountains, and geology. Cultural features include towns, roads, and time zones. Classrooms and atlases include reference maps to teach students about geographic features or to help you navigate through them.

How are physical maps used in the real world?

Political maps are often used for teaching or display. However, they can be used to assert international border claims. Physical maps illustrate the features of land and water within an area. They highlight such physical features as rivers, elevation and water depth, deserts, and such.

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