Common questions

What is the maximum number of bits that can be borrowed to create a subnet for a Class C network?

What is the maximum number of bits that can be borrowed to create a subnet for a Class C network?

Subnetting and subnet masks

What is the maximum number of valid subnets for a class c address? 62 (The most you can borrow from the last octet is 6 bits. 2^6-2=62).
What is Subnetting? The process of subdividing a single class into small networks.

What is the maximum number of hosts you can use for each subnet that belongs to a class B address?

IP subnetting

Subnet Mask Number of Supported Hosts per Network
Class A Over 16 million
Class B Over 16 thousand
Class C 254

What is the maximum number of hosts allowed on this subnet?

Maximum number of hosts is 2^10-2 = 1022. 2 is subtracted for Number of hosts is also. The address with all bits as 1 is reserved as broadcast address and address with all host id bits as 0 is used as network address of subnet.

What are the minimum host bits needed if the network has 25 hosts?

Minimum subnet size to accommodate a number of hosts

No. of Host Bits Equivalent prefix length Number of usable IP addresses
5 /27 25-2 = 30
6 /26 26-2 = 62
7 /25 27-2 = 126
8 /24 28-2 = 254

What is the maximum number of hosts you can use for each subnet that belongs to a class C address?

Class C network numbers use 24 bits for the network number and 8 bits for host numbers. Class C network numbers are appropriate for networks with few hosts–the maximum being 254. A class C network number occupies the first three bytes of an IP address.

How do you find the maximum number of hosts?

and on the question of maximum number of hosts then one must subtract the network ID from the local Broadcast address. Using the formula (2^11)-2 then we shall get 2046 to be the maximum number of hosts.

What is the maximum number of hosts allowed on subnet 172.30 100.0 22?

D Average attenuation/average distortion. 15 What is the maximum number of hosts allowed on subnet 172.30. 100.0/22? A 258.

What is the maximum number of IP addresses?

Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses come from finite pools of numbers. For IPv4, this pool is 32-bits (232) in size and contains 4,294,967,296 IPv4 addresses. The IPv6 address space is 128-bits (2128) in size, containing 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 IPv6 addresses.

How many bits can be borrowed from the host portion?

In this example: 192.10. 10.0 , we need to calculate 14 Networks, means we should have at least 4 Bits (All Ones) borrowed from the Host which means (N = 4) to provide the total Number of Networks. So , 2 = 16 ( 4 is the least number of bits can be borrowed to accomdate 14 Networks .

How many host bits does a Class C address have?

A class C address has 8 bits in host space. By using 2 bits from the host space for subnetting, leaving 6 host bits, you can create subnets that can accommodate up to 62 hosts each (26- 2 = 62). This will ensure that the requirement of 50 hosts per subnet is met and the maximum number of subnets is provided.

How many bits can be borrowed from host?

In this example: , we need to calculate 14 Networks, means we should have at least 4 Bits (All Ones) borrowed from the Host which means (N = 4) to provide the total Number of Networks. So , 2 = 16 ( 4 is the least number of bits can be borrowed to accomdate 14 Networks .

Where do the borrowed bits go in subnet mask?

The borrowed bits are the host bits in the default subnet mask that are used for network in the custom subnet mask. The first four (4) bits go from host to network, they are borrowed bits.

How are Class B IP addresses subnetted in IPv4?

IPv4 Class B Subnets. By default, using Classful Networking, fourteen bits are used as Network bits providing (2 14) 16384 Networks and (2 16-1) 65534 Hosts. class B IP Addresses will be subnetted constant means as class A addresses, by borrowing bits from Host bits.

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