
What kind of doctor performs a laminectomy?

What kind of doctor performs a laminectomy?

If you need to have a laminectomy, you’ll want a highly qualified neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon to perform the procedure.

Is a laminectomy and orthopedic surgery?

Overview of laminectomy Your orthopedic surgeon will make an incision near the center of your spine. After the spine is accessed, the lamina (the “roof” of the vertebra) is removed. Through this incision, any bone spurs and damaged disc material are removed. Then, the incision is closed with sutures.

How serious is laminectomy surgery?

Laminectomy is generally a safe procedure. But as with any surgery, complications may occur. Potential complications include: Bleeding.

What is the best doctor to treat spinal stenosis?

If your primary care doctor thinks you have spinal stenosis, he or she may refer you to a doctor who specializes in disorders of the nervous system (neurologist). Depending on the severity of your symptoms, you may also need to see a spinal surgeon (neurosurgeon, orthopedic surgeon).

How long does it take to heal from a laminectomy?

Complete recovery may take 4 to 6 weeks or a few months after a lumbar laminectomy depending on the age and general health of the patient and the number of segments treated.

Is a laminectomy painful?

In some cases, despite performing a laminectomy, patients experience pain because the spinal column itself is narrowed in a condition called spinal stenosis. Sometimes, there may be a small fragment of the disc still remaining following the laminectomy which can irritate the spinal-cord causing pain.

What do you need to know about laminectomy and laminatomy?

Laminotomy and laminectomy are surgeries to remove part or most of a spinal bone called the lamina. The lamina is the back part of each vertebra (spinal bone) and covers the spinal canal, the area around the spinal cord. Both procedures reduce pressure on the spinal cord or spinal nerves to relieve pain.

Do you need physical therapy after a laminectomy?

Your doctor may prescribe medication to relieve pain at the incision site. You might go home the same day as the surgery, although some people may need a short hospital stay. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy after a laminectomy to improve your strength and flexibility.

What kind of surgery is a lumbar laminectomy?

Lumbar laminectomy. Lumbar laminectomy A lumbar laminectomy involves the removal of the back portion of a vertebra in your lower back to create more room within the spinal canal.

When do you need A laminectomy for bone spurs?

These overgrowths are sometimes referred to as bone spurs, but they’re a normal side effect of the aging process in some people. Laminectomy is generally used only when more-conservative treatments — such as medication, physical therapy or injections — have failed to relieve symptoms.

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