
When did Jamal meet Latika?

When did Jamal meet Latika?

At five years old, Jamal manages to obtain the autograph of Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan after jumping into a cesspit. Jamal’s older brother Salim later sells the autograph. Their mother dies during the Bombay riots, and as the brothers flee the riot, they meet Latika, a girl from their slum.

How does Jamal find Latika?

Jamal manages to find Latika in Javed’s compound to convince her to escape with him. Despite Jamal’s insistence, Latika tells him that it is too late, and that she can’t go with him. But Latika takes up Jamal’s offer, and attempts to find him at the train station, as Jamal suggested.

What answer did Jamal not know which prompted him to phone a friend group of answer choices?

Jamal reveals that he does not know the answer, but he decides to play anyway because he has that can-do spirit. Using his final “phone-a-friend” lifeline, he calls the only number he knows: his brother’s. However he’s shocked to discover that it’s not Salim on the other line, but Latika.

Does Latika sleep with Salim?

Salim convinced Latika to have sex with him the night they were rescued to, at least according to him, take away one of her valuable assets. On her side of the deal, she might unknowingly be lined up to be, basically, a moll, but she would never be a single-use commodity again.

Was Salim jealous of Jamal?

As the story progresses, though, it is probable that Salim becomes jealous of Jamal’s relationship with Latika. Later, when the two brothers finally reunite, Jamal explains that he can never forgive Salim for what he did that day. Salim can hardly blame him. “I know,” he whispers, his feelings of remorse clear.

How did Jamal know who invented the revolver?

Jamal has no secrets, neither has he cheated. And here’s the most implausible aspect of the plot: The answer to every question is in an incident or chapter in Jamal’s own life—he knows Samuel Colt invented the revolver because when he and Salim parted ways, Salim had a revolver in his hand which said “Colt”.

Why did Salim let latika go?

Salim betrays Maman when he discovers he is about to blind Jamal to turn him into a blind beggar and the three of make an escape, but, blinded by his jealousy, Salim allows Latika to be recaptured by Maman to Jamal’s fury. He leaves after Latika convinces him to go away so he wouldn’t get hurt.

Why did Salim let go of Latika?

Like her new friend, Latika suffers unjust mistreatment and abuse. As soon as they arrive at their hotel room, Salim orders Jamal to leave him and Latika alone. Jamal refuses and Salim pulls his gun on him. He leaves after Latika convinces him to go away so he wouldn’t get hurt.

Does Salim sleep with Latika?

Salim raped Latika the night that he and Jamal rescued her from Maman. Its heavily implied but never confirmed that the reason why Salim wanted Jamal out of the room was because that he wanted Latika. After all, earlier he does seem to be attracted to her when she is in dancing for the advert for Maman.

How did Salim and Latika escape in Slumdog Millionaire?

When Salim learns that Maman is blinding the children to make them more effective beggars, he escapes with Jamal and Latika to a train. The brothers successfully board the moving train but Latika is unable to keep up. Salim grabs her hand but purposefully lets go, leaving her to be recaptured by Maman.

What happens to Jamal at the end of Slumdog Millionaire?

When Jamal protests, Salim tells him to do as he says, and demands sexual attention from Latika, on the grounds that he saved her life. Suddenly Jamal attacks Salim and the boys struggle. Eventually, Salim forces Jamal into the hall, saying, “I’m number one now,” and locking Jamal out of the room.

What happens to Latika in who wants to be a millionaire?

After another few years, Latika is recaptured by Javed’s men. However, during Jamal’s Millionaire run, Salim lets her go and even gives her his phone and car keys so that she could escape. Jamal eventually reached his final question and decided to call Salim, but Latika picked up the phone instead.

Who is the third musketeer in Slumdog Millionaire?

Jamal’s older brother Salim later sells the autograph. Their mother dies during the Bombay riots, and as the brothers flee the riot, they meet Latika, a girl from their slum. Salim is reluctant to take her in, but Jamal suggests that she could be their “third musketeer”, a reference to the Alexandre Dumas novel The Three Musketeers.

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