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Why does the monster want Victor to make a female?

Why does the monster want Victor to make a female?

The creature wanted the female companion, because he had no one to love or care for like the other humans did. The creature killed the Henry, because Henry is another person the Frankenstein care for and he was Victor’s best friend. Victor continues to anguish, because he losses another close person to him.

How does Frankenstein convince Victor to make him a mate?

In Frankenstein, the creature convinces Victor to make him a mate by appealing to his pity and his fear. He makes an eloquent case for his lonely state, rejected by all of humanity. He also warns that he will kill Victor’s friends and family if his creator does not provide him with a companion.

Why did the monster want a mate?

Since both Frankenstein and the monster are denied of companionship, their sole purpose in life becomes plotting revenge against each other. The monster desperately longs for a companion because his life is miserable without the acceptance of humankind.

Why does Victor refuse to make a female?

Victor tells us that the reason he must destroy the female monster is because he does not want the “future ages” to “curse [him] as their pest” (174). He doesn’t want his own “selfishness” of creating a companion for his first mistake to end up disturbing the peace of future generations.

Why did Victor not create a mate for the monster?

Victor decides not to create a mate for the creature because he realizes the consequences behind creating a new life and not taking full responsibility for this creation. Although the monster has promised to go far from where people live with his mate when she is made, Victor is afraid that something may go wrong.

Why does Victor refuse to make the creature a mate?

What happens if Victor refuses to make the monster a mate?

If Victor refuses-which he does-the Monster will be extrememly unhappy and destroy all Victor holds dear. First of all, the monster could easily make Victor’s life miserable- like the monster says he will if Victor refuses to make the him a mate- so Victor should be frightened of the creature (the monster could definitely take him).

What does Victor say to the monster in Frankenstein?

Victor sees the monster’s point of view and agrees to create a mate for the monster. The monster tells Victor:”You must create a female for me with whom I can live in the interchange of those sympathies necessary for my being.”

What does Victor say to the monster in the Outsiders?

Victor refuses and then later relents to the monster’s wishes. The monster threatens “I will work at your destruction, nor finish until I desolate your heart, so that you shall curse the hour of your birth.” The monster also pleads his case saying, “My creator, make me happy and do not deny my request.”

How does Victor prepare for what fears will happen?

They return to Geneva and the marriage will take place in ten days. How does Victor prepare for what fears will happen? He stays up all night and checks the house. He also prepares with weapons to battle against the creature.

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