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Are bluebells a wildflower?

Are bluebells a wildflower?

Enchanting and iconic, bluebells are a favourite with the fairies and a sure sign spring is in full swing. The violet glow of a bluebell wood is an incredible wildflower spectacle. They are also known as ‘fairy flowers’, ‘witches’ thimbles’ and ‘cuckoo’s boots’. These beautiful flowers have a sweet smell.

Is it illegal to pick wild bluebells?

Bluebells – is picking a crime? Picking bluebells, along with most other wild flowers, fruit and foliage, is not generally an offence, although there might be associated access and ownership issues relating to where the plants are growing (Theft Act).

Can I remove bluebells from my garden?

It is best to dig out bluebells while they are in leaf, as the bulbs are almost impossible to find when the plants are dormant: Loosen soil around the bulbs to a good depth and remove all the bulbs and underground parts. Choose moist soil conditions to carry this out and firm in disturbed garden plants.

Are bluebells invasive?

Like Japanese knotweed, bluebells are sometimes considered to be an invasive species where I live. There may be nothing inherently bad about a specific invasive plant. Unfortunately, when it’s outside of its native habitat, the plant may grow or spread rapidly and cause environmental or economic problems.

Are bluebells good for wildlife?

If you fancy planting bluebells in a shady part of your garden, try to pick the native variety. Not only will you help to prevent the spread of invasive, non-native species into the wider countryside, but you will also provide food and shelter for a range of our native insects, from bees to butterflies.

What Colour is a bluebell?

Bluebells flower in colours ranging from white (quite common), through to grey, pale blue, lilac to dark cobalt. There is also a variegated form with flowers that look as though they are white-bells dipped in blue water-colour paint.

Are bluebells weeds or flowers?

English and Spanish bluebells may seem like the novice gardener’s dream: a beautiful flower, easy to grow and willing to spread and fill in bare spots of land. Unfortunately, Spanish bluebells are so eager to spread, they’re often considered weeds.

What to do with bluebells after flowering?

Allow the foliage to die down naturally after flowering. It is a good idea to remove the faded flower spikes before they set seed to prevent the plants self-seeding and spreading where they aren’t wanted. Bluebells are rarely troubled by any pests or diseases.

What does a bluebell symbolize?

In general, bluebell flowers are understood to symbolize gratitude, humility, everlasting love, and constancy.

Is a bluebell a hyacinth?

The native bluebell Our native bluebell, Hyacinthoides non-scripta, otherwise named common bluebells, English bluebells, British bluebells, wood bells, fairy flowers and wild hyacinth, is an early flowering plant that naturally occurs in the UK. It appears in ancient woodlands and along woodland edges in April and May.

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