Common questions

At what age can my son choose to live with me?

At what age can my son choose to live with me?

In California, your child will be heard at age 14 or older with regard to who he or she would prefer to live with.

At what age can a child decide where to live in Ontario?

18 years old
Generally a child cannot decide which parent they want to live with. But as a child gets closer to the age of majority, which is 18 years old in Ontario, they have more say about where and with whom they live.

How old do you have to be to decide who you live with in Ontario?

But as a child gets closer to the age of majority, which is 18 years old in Ontario, they have more say about where and with whom they live. And it is rare for a court to make an order about decision-making responsibility and parenting time about for a child who is 16 years old or older.

Can a bad move cause a parent to lose custody?

One bad move could be grounds for a parent completely losing custody over the child, especially if other people have witnessed the punishment. If hitting is part of the regular parenting strategy, therefore, now is a good time to take a step back and look at how it can affect each parent’s relationship with the child.

When does a child want to live with both parents?

Another common scenario that arises in co-parenting situations is when an adolescent is sharing close to equal time with both parents and requests a change because he/she has a falling out with one parent or a stepparent. Or in some cases, they may want to live closer to their friends or school.

Can a parent go to court for leaving their child home alone?

Five times, too. This is because leaving a child home alone can be used in court as a count of neglectful parenting. As one can imagine, this does not bode well for someone who is trying to get custody of the children. Incidentally, however, many parents do leave their children alone at times.

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