
Can you go to school to be a professional organizer?

Can you go to school to be a professional organizer?

Complete training and education Not all professional organizers have certifications or any training. Some of them are simply people who have a talent for organizing and want to lend their skills to help others. However, the minimum requirement is usually a high school diploma.

How does one become a certified professional organizer?

By completing 12 classes – 10 core classes and any 2 specialty classes – POC members are eligible to write the Trained Professional Organizer Exam. Successful candidates receive a certificate as a graduate of the program and may identify themselves as a POC Trained Professional Organizer.

How do you become professionally organized?

Here are some habits that professional organizers, and organized people in general, use every day that help keep their homes neat and organized:

  1. Make your bed every morning.
  2. Keep a donation bag in each of your clothes closets.
  3. Keep a trash bin as close to the mailbox as possible.
  4. Use more hooks.

Do you need a degree to be a home organizer?

To become a professional organizer, you don’t need any special certification or specific training. While training is generally a good thing, you can certainly get started without paying for any type of certification or lengthy education courses if you wish.

How much should I charge to organize a closet?

Expect to pay between $80 and $140 an hour, though some organizers offer packages, such as a closet clean-out for $250 or a garage sorting for $350.

How much money can a professional organizer make?

How Much Do Professional Organizer Jobs Pay per Week?

Annual Salary Monthly Pay
Top Earners $60,500 $5,041
75th Percentile $47,000 $3,916
Average $42,570 $3,547
25th Percentile $37,000 $3,083

Do professional organizers make good money?

While there is no set salary across the board, most professional organizers can expect to earn anywhere from $35 to $100 per hour, with $35 being on the very low end of the scale and $100 more likely only in larger, more metropolitan areas.

How do I start my own organizing business?

Start a professional organizing business by following these 10 steps:

  1. STEP 1: Plan your business.
  2. STEP 2: Form a legal entity.
  3. STEP 3: Register for taxes.
  4. STEP 4: Open a business bank account & credit card.
  5. STEP 5: Set up business accounting.
  6. STEP 6: Obtain necessary permits and licenses.
  7. STEP 7: Get business insurance.

How do I become a successful organizer?

12 Ways To Be A Highly Effective Organizer

  1. Create a to-do list. To-do lists often get a bad rap as a collection of tasks that will never get done.
  2. Find places for things.
  3. Get rid of clutter.
  4. Take care of small tasks right away.
  5. Keep a schedule.
  6. Create small goals.
  7. Set priorities.
  8. Have a positive attitude.

Can you make a career out of organizing?

And that is a more satisfying feeling than any label-maker in the world can give you. Building a professional organizing career is extremely rewarding, but it’s always good to know the great, the bad and the ugly.

How do home organizers get clients?

The National Association for Professional Organizers offers certification for organizers. Certification can potentially assist with gaining new customers, who may see it as a sign of credibility and reliability. Another way that organizers get clients is by word of mouth or referral.

How long does it take to become a professional organizer?

Here’s the professional organizer certification process, baby steps style: 1. Complete 1500 hours within 3 years In case you were wondering, that requirement averages out to about 9.5 hours of work per week for 3 years.

What do you need to know about organizing certification?

The test covers six areas of content with which a professional organizer seeking certification should be familiar. Approximately 25% of the material covers the basic foundations of professional organizing. Preliminary assessments, action plan development and implementation and project/plan management account for 20% of the exam.

Do you have the skills to be an organizer?

Everyone has some organizing skills but you might not have thought of them that way. Studying at school requires organizing your time and coursework. All jobs and careers require organizing your time, tasks, assignments, paper and possibly people. Managing a home and a family definitely takes organizing skills ranging from simple to complex.

Do you need a CPO to be a professional organizer?

Certified Professional Organizers adhere to a set of standards agreed to by the BCPO (yep, it stands for Board of Certification for Professional Organizers). To get your CPO designation, you’ll have to follow a rigorous course of education, log a ton of client hours, then pass the CPO exam.

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