
Did Elie take this advice?

Did Elie take this advice?

The block leader explains to Elie that in the concentration camp, each man is for himself and family no longer matters. He advises Elie to look out for himself and forget his dying father because he cannot help him.

What was the advice given to Elie?

What advice was Elie given to pass the selection process? He was advised to run quickly, avoid eye contact, and try to move around to get some color in his face before being seen.

What advice does Elie receive from Blockalteste?

What advice does the Blockalteste give to Elie regarding his father? Elie must remain strong for his father.

What does Elie’s father say at Buchenwald that worries Elie?

What does Elie’s father say at Buchenwald that worries Elie? He says he is ready to give up.

What advice was Elie given to pass the selection process How did Elie’s father respond when he learned his name was written down?

What advice was Elie given to pass the selection process? He is told to run around before the selection process so that he can get some color in his skin. How did Elie’s father respond when he learned his name had been written down? He ran to Elie and handed him all of his possessions, as he prepared to be killed.

What advice does the Blockalteste give Elie in Chapter 8?

What advice does the Blockalteste give to Elie about his father? “Men to the left, women to the right!” These are the first eight words that Elie hears from the SS officers. This is when Elie and Shlomo are separated from the women of their family.

What advice does Blockalteste give Elie and the other inmates before the selection?

What advice does the Blockalteste give to prisoners for selection? “try to move your limbs, give yourself some color. Don’t walk slowly, run.

Who strangles Elie on the train ride to Buchenwald?

A stranger on the train tries to strangle Elie, but his father and Meir Katz save him. Meir Katz begins to lose hope and quickly dies. Only 12 of the original 100 on Elie’s car survive the long journey to Buchenwald. Elie and his father are among the 12.

What was Elie given to pass the selection process?

In chapter 5 of Night, the advice given to Elie to pass the selection process is to move his limbs to give himself some color, run rather than walk, not look at the SS, and not be afraid. Hover for more information. Who are the experts?

What was Elie’s last piece of advice?

Elie then recalls his last piece of advice, which is to not be afraid. Elie would have loved to follow this advice but struggles to control his mounting fear and uncertainty. Elie proceeds to undress and sprints behind Tibi and Yossi without looking back.

What did the block elder tell Elie to do?

Fortunately for Elie, the block-elder is on hand to give him some much-needed advice. He tells Elie that he must try to move his limbs about to give himself some color. He also shouldn’t walk slowly, but run.

What did Elie do to keep his father alive?

Despite his lack of strength and illness, Elie tries his best to keep his father alive by preventing him from sleeping in the snow and by sharing his coffee… Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this answer and thousands more. Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. Already a member? Log in here.

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