Common questions

Does Poland have a good quality of life?

Does Poland have a good quality of life?

Poland ranks above the average in personal security, as well as education and skills, but below average in health status, income and wealth, social connections, civic engagement, subjective well-being, jobs and earnings, environmental quality, work-life balance and housing.

What is the Polish culture like?

In Polish culture, parents usually give their children quite a bit of independence and responsibility. Polish families come in all shapes and sizes, some lead very quiet lives, others are quite busy and their household is noisy. Some take frequent trips or outings, while others spend most of their time at home.

How do Americans live in Poland?

U.S. citizens are allowed visa-free entry into Poland for up to 90 days. But to become a legal resident in the Eastern European country, you will have to contact a Polish consulate in the U.S. to apply for a temporary or flat residence permit.

Is it easy to live in Poland as an American?

As an American who has spent a good part of his life in Poland (I am a Polish citizen also) I have a unique perceptive on life in Poland. I can see this better than a native Pole in some ways as I have something to compare it with.The bottom line here is life in American is easy but life in Poland is beautiful.

What do Polish people think of the United States?

Hard to say as every single Polish person is different and you would have to perform a social study to have your answers. Some of Polish people consider USA a bit superficial and plastic and too unstable in terms of family bonds or things like that. There is an image of USA as “a state of fake smiles” where you cannot complain for anything.

What’s the difference between Poland and the USA?

Poland and The USA are two different worlds entirely. The USA is sunny and positive and casual. Poland is cold, dark and romantic. There is an ancient feel in Poland, something almost mystical. I have often said that in the USA life is easy, in Poland life is beautiful.

What’s the life like for a Polish woman?

If you are marriage in Poland you wife will stand by your side and be very loyal. She will not care about money and it would be considered gouache to focus on such things. Not every Polish girl is like this as there are new Poles who are as bad or worse than the US and will divorce you or not date you if you are not making money.

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