
How can Archimedes principle be used to determine density?

How can Archimedes principle be used to determine density?

Archimedes’ Principle The buoyant force on a submerged object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. The mass divided by the volume thus determined gives a measure of the average density of the object.

Does the density of a solid depend on its volume?

Density is the ratio of the mass of an object to its volume. Density is an intensive property, meaning that it does not depend on the amount of material present in the sample.

How do we determine density of a solid using volume displacement?

Calculating density uses the formula D = m ÷ v, where D means density, m means mass and v means volume. Find mass using a balance scale, and use water displacement to find the volume of irregular objects.

How can affect the determination of volume by water displacement?

When a cylinder is submerged in the water it pushes water out of the way. If you measure the amount the water level increases, you can find the volume of the water pushed out of the way.

How did Archimedes calculate the density of the crown?

‘ What Archimedes had found was a method for measuring the volume of an irregularly-shaped object. So, he could measure the volume of the crown by measuring the volume of the water spilled from a container filled with water to the brim when the crown was fully dipped in it.

How will you determine by Archimedes Principle relative density of a solid denser than water and insoluble in it?

And as stated above, by sinking the solid displaces the fluid volume equivalent to its weight (it displaces its weight in the fluid)To calculate the density of the insoluble solid denser than water;• Weigh the solid• Put it in water in a graduated cylinder. The volume of the displaced water is the volume of the solid.

What error if any would the calculated density of the solid have if the material has a hollow center?

The volume would be higher due to the solid being hollower because of the air inside the hollow object. This would cause the density to be lower because the volume changed.

How is water displacement related to volume change?

Water displacement works because the amount of water displaced by an object submerged in water equals the volume of the object. If an object submerged in a graduated cylinder raises the water level from 40 milliliters to 90 milliliters, the volume change of 50 milliliters equals the volume of the object in cubic centimeters.

How is water displacement used to measure mass?

Measure mass using balance scales. The water displacement method measures the volume of water displaced by an object. The change in volume of water when an object is submerged equals the volume of the object. Sciencing_Icons_Science SCIENCE

How to calculate density by volume of water?

Using the formula final volume minus initial volume (vf– vi) yields the volume of the object. If the initial volume of water equals 900 ml of water and the final volume of water equals 1,250 ml, the volume of the object is 1250 – 900 = 350 ml, meaning the volume of the object equals 350 cm3. Finding Density.

How is the volume of an irregular shaped object determined?

Irregularly Shaped Objects Because many objects are not regularly shaped their volume cannot be determined using a volume formula. The volume of these objects can be found by water displacement. A volume of water sufficient to cover the object is placed in a graduated cylinder and the volume read.

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