
How can we control road accidents?

How can we control road accidents?


  1. Drive in the prescribed speed limits on the various roads.
  2. Always put on helmets, seat belts and other safety equipments before driving a bicycle/ motor cycle/vehicle.
  3. Do not drink and drive.
  4. Never use mobile phones or ear phones while driving.

What control measures could be taken to prevent accidents?

10 ways to prevent common accidents and protect your small…

  • Avoid slips and falls.
  • Be aware of electrical hazards.
  • Limit manual handling and lifting.
  • Keep a well-stocked first aid kit in plain sight.
  • Create an emergency action plan.
  • Identify staff who may need extra help in an emergency.
  • Promote fire safety.

How can we avoid accident Class 4?

To avoid such accidents, we should follow these safety rules: • Do not rush or push each other, especially on the stairs. Do not jump on the benches. safety rules on the road: Always walk on the footpath. Always cross the road at the zebra crossing.

What’s the best way to reduce traffic accidents?

To reduce traffic accidents, it is important to learn the psychology of a driver more so of young drivers who only see the thrill in driving and most likely would overlook the risk that comes with road usage.

How to avoid an accident on wet roads?

Wet roads and speed is a perfect recipe for an accident. Obey traffic rules. Traffic rules have been designed with safety foremost in mind. It takes into account safety for all, including pedestrians. Follow the lane, and keep the required distance between vehicles.

Which is the first step in road safety?

While the government administration must leave no stone unturned in ensuring proper condition of the roads and enforcing strict adherence to traffic rules, responsible driving and the right attitude of people with respect to traffic rules is perhaps the first step on the long road to 100% safety on the roads. ( 9 ✔)

What should you do in case of an accident?

Air bags in vehicles are a must to cushion the impact in case of accidents. Reflectors to be used on the rear of the vehicle. Ensure all lamps are in working condition. Hazard lamp should be switched on when the vehicle is parked on a highway.

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