
How did Judas set Jesus up?

How did Judas set Jesus up?

Matthew directly states that Judas betrayed Jesus for a bribe of “thirty pieces of silver” by identifying him with a kiss—”the kiss of Judas”—to arresting soldiers of the High Priest Caiaphas, who then turned Jesus over to Pontius Pilate’s soldiers.

Was Judas the most trusted disciple?

According to this version of events, not only was Judas obeying orders when he handed Jesus to his persecutors, he was Christ’s most trusted disciple, singled out to receive mystical knowledge.

What was the relationship between Jesus and Judas?

It goes on to describe Judas as Jesus’ closest friend, someone who understands Christ’s true message and is singled out for special status among Jesus’ disciples. In the key passage Jesus tells Judas, “‘you will exceed all of them. For you will sacrifice the man that clothes me.

Why was Judas chosen Jesus?

So, why did Jesus choose Judas? The reason that Jesus chose Judas was so that the Scriptures would be fulfilled. Judas was the “son of destruction.” Rather, Jesus chose Judas knowing fully that he had a wicked and unbelieving heart that would lead to betrayal (John 6:64; 70-71) in fulfillment of the Scriptures.

Why did Jesus let Judas betray him?

Rather than denounce Judas as Jesus’s betrayer, the author of the Gospel of Judas glorified him as Jesus’s most favored disciple. In this version of events, Jesus asked Judas to betray him to the authorities, so that he could be freed from his physical body and fulfill his destiny of saving humanity.

What happens to Judas after betraying Jesus?

The bible has two different accounts explaining how Judas died. The Gospel of Matthew says that Judas regretted betraying Jesus, and tried to return the 30 pieces of silver that he had been paid. ‘ So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.”

Who was the most loyal disciple?

John 21:24 states that the Gospel of John is based on the written testimony of this disciple. Since the end of the first century, the Beloved Disciple has been commonly identified with John the Evangelist.

Is Judas Jesus’s cousin?

Jude (alternatively Judas or Judah; Greek: Ἰούδας) is one of the brothers of Jesus (Greek: ἀδελφοί, romanized: adelphoi, lit. Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Christians believe this Jude is the same person as Jude the Apostle and that Jude was perhaps a cousin, but not literally a brother of Jesus, or perhaps St.

Who was Judas and what did he do?

Judas Iscariot was one of the Twelve Apostles. He is notorious for betraying Jesus by disclosing Jesus’ whereabouts for 30 pieces of silver. Judas brought men to arrest Jesus and identified him with a kiss. Jesus was then arrested, tried, and executed.

Who was Judas in the Bible and what did he do?

But in John 17:12, Jesus identifies Judas as the “son of perdition”—the man doomed to damnation. Judas was an apostate. He had travelled with Jesus, seen the miracles, and heard the teaching, but he didn’t believe that Jesus was the Messiah.

Why did Judas betray Jesus and his disciples?

Third, Judas was consumed with greed to the point of betraying the trust of not only Jesus, but also his fellow disciples, as we see in John 12:5-6. Judas may have desired to follow Jesus simply because he saw the great following and believed he could profit from collections taken for the group.

Why did Jesus put Judas in charge of his moneybag?

Judas Iscariot “was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it” (John 12:6). Has it ever struck you as odd that Jesus put a thief in charge of his moneybag? Of all the disciples, Jesus chose Judas to be treasurer of his itinerant nonprofit.

Why did Judas Iscariot want to follow Jesus?

Judas may have desired to follow Jesus simply because he saw the great following and believed he could profit from collections taken for the group. The fact that Judas was in charge of the moneybag for the group would indicate his interest in money ( John 13:29 ).

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