
How did specialization affect the culture of Catal Huyuk?

How did specialization affect the culture of Catal Huyuk?

How did specialization affect the culture of the Catal Huyuk? It led to the expansion of trade; crafts were produced, which attracted traders from other regions. Led to the number of plants and animals that people were able to raise.

What were some specialized jobs in Çatalhöyük?

Some specialized jobs of the townspeople of Catal Hoyuk were weaving, basket making, toolmaking, mining, farming, and trading.

What technology did the Çatalhöyük have?

Stone tools are often divided into two groups according to the technique used to make them: chipped stone and ground stone. Ground stone tools found at Çatalhöyük include axe heads, mace heads, querns for grinding grain, ornaments such as pendants, and mirrors of obsidian.

What is the significance of Catal huyuk quizlet?

Catal Huyuk (Çatalhöyük, Turkish for Forked Mound) is one of the largest and best-preserved Neolithic settlements known to archaeologists. Located in southern Anatolia, in modern day Turkey, Catal Huyuk was inhabited between 7500 and 5700 BCE.

What were some jobs in Catal huyuk?

The people of Catal Huyuk wove baskets of reeds. They also made pottery and they used obsidian, hard volcanic rock to make tools and weapons. Craftsmen made dishes of wood. They also made carved wooden boxes for storage.

What were the jobs in Neolithic times?

What is the main occupation of Neolithic Age? Neolithic people were skilled farmers, manufacturing a range of tools necessary for the tending, harvesting and processing of crops (such as sickle blades and grinding stones) and food production (e.g. pottery, bone implements).

What is known about social classes in Catal huyuk?

Lifestyle. The people of Çatalhöyük” appear to have lived relatively egalitarian lives with no apparent social classes, as no houses with distinctive features (belonging to kings or priests, for example) have been found so far.

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