
How do I call a civilian number from DSN?

How do I call a civilian number from DSN?

To call a commercial number from a DSN line, first dial ’99’. To call a DSN number from a commercial or cellular phone, dial 05033 + last 6 digits of DSN the number (NOTE: This will only work when calling Army installations. Example- DSN 723-1234, dial 05033-23-1234). Do NOT accept collect calls on a DSN line.

How do you call long distance from a DSN phone?

INFORMATION CALLS For on base, local, DSN, or long distance information dial “0” for the base operator. If dialing from off-base, dial 963-1110. 1. Official Calls: (a) For official long distance calls, dial 98, area code, and telephone number.

What is the DSN prefix for the US?

312 for the Continental United States (NORTHCOM) and Puerto Rico. 313 for the Caribbean. 314 for EUCOM.

How do I call a 1 800 number from DSN?

As long as the number is a local number for the base, the operator should be able to connect the phone call. — 809-4-OFF-DSN: Individuals needing to call a toll free number from DSN phones are able to dial 809-463-3376. After dialing, wait for a dial tone then dial the toll free number.

What does commercial phone number mean?

Telephone numbers preceded by a C- are commercial telephone numbers. The commercial phone number listings on this website contain detailed telephone numbers and prefixes for dialing from a civilian telephone to a military telephone (where this capability exists).

How do I call a DSN from US cell phone?

Calling DSN From a Cell Phone: To call a DSN number from a cell phone, please dial 098-938-1111. At the dial tone, please enter the desired DSN number. If you would like to be connected to the Kadena Operator, please press 0 at the dial tone.

How do I call stateside from overseas?

The final subscriber phone number comprises seven digits and the local phone number of the business or the phone subscriber. So, to make an international call to the U.S, you need to dial + “1” (the U.S. country code) + + .

How do I call a Korean DSN from US cell phone?

To call a DSN from a Korean cell phone, dial 05033 plus the last six digits of the DSN number. The DSN prefix for Korea is 315; the DSN prefix for the United States is 312. The prefix is required when calling between regions.

What is DSN prefix?

DSN is the Defense Switched Network, which is, among other things, the DOD worldwide telephone system. DSN telephone numbers can only be dialed from one DSN telephone number to another telephone on the Defense Switched Network. Civilian phone systems can not send or receive calls to or from a DSN phone.

How do I call the US DSN from Italy?

To dial using a DSN: 314-632 + XXXX (4 digit extension). Calling from the USA: First dial 011, the US exit code. Then dial the commercial country code for Italy which is 39….Calling Aviano.

American Red Cross 5576
Anti-Terrorism Office 8188
Area Defense Counsel 5588
Arts and Crafts Center 2989

What is a DSN phone number?

The Defense Switched Network is a telephone system that’s been around the military for more than 100 years. In recent years, some users have forgotten this network when making a long-distance telephone call.

How do you get a commercial phone number?

How To Get A Business Phone Number?

  1. Choosing The Right Phone System.
  2. Pick Your Business Phone Number.
  3. Select The Device On Which You Want To Host Your Virtual Phone System.
  4. Add Extensions For All Your Employees.
  5. Go Through The Features And Pick What You Need.

How do you call a DSN number?

To call within the DSN system, just dial the 7-digit number. To call a commercial number from a DSN line, first dial ’99’. To call a DSN number from a commercial or cellular phone, dial 05033 + last 6 digits of DSN the number (NOTE: This will only work when calling Army installations.

What is DSN phone number?

DSN is the Defense Switched Network, which is, among other things, the DOD worldwide telephone system. DSN telephone numbers can only be dialed from one DSN telephone number to another telephone on the Defense Switched Network. Civilian phone systems can not send or receive calls to…

How to call DSN lines?

Voice telephone calls can access a DSN line by direct dialing. Here is how the process works. When you dial: Listen for the dial tone Dial the desired DSN phone number, with precedence and area code if required. DIAL 94 + DSN area code + number

Where to find DSN Army?

U.S. Army Enlisted Records & Evaluation Center ATTN: Locator 8899 East 56th Street Fort Benjamin Harrison, IN 46249-5301. Expect to receive a response in four weeks. Call (DSN) 699-3735 or (866) 771-6357 (toll free).

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