
How do radioactive isotopes differ from isotopes quizlet?

How do radioactive isotopes differ from isotopes quizlet?

How do radioactive isotopes differ from isotopes? Radioactive isotopes are unstable; isotopes are stable.

What is the difference between carbon 12 and 13?

Carbon 12 has exactly 6 protons and 6 neutrons ( hence the 12 ) Carbon 13 has 6 protons and 7 neutrons.

How do radioactive isotopes become more stable?

Most isotopes become stable by emitting alpha particles, beta particles, positrons, or gamma rays. A few become stable by electron capture or by spontaneous fission. GAMMA RAYS: Thus, thorium-234 becomes more stable by releasing gamma rays and a beta particle.

Why do different isotopes exist?

Each symmetrical compilation of protons (proton configuration) has a unique number of neutrons that ensure its stability. So if there are multiple numbers of stable symmetrical compilations of protons, then there are an equivalent number of isotopes associated with that element.

What are radioactive isotopes give two examples of radioactive isotopes and two uses?

Common examples of radioactive isotopes are Arsenic−74, Iodine−131 and Cobalt−60. (i) Cobalt−60 is used in the treatment of cancer cells. When the high−energy gamma radiations emitted by cobalt−60 isotopes are directed at the cancerous tumours , the cells are burnt.

How do the isotopes of carbon 12 and carbon-14 differ?

Isotopes are forms of the same element with equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons. For example, both carbon-12 and carbon-14 have 6 protons. But carbon-12 has 6 neutrons while carbon-14 has 8 neutrons.

What is the difference between carbon-14 and carbon 16?

Secondly, they have a different number of neutrons (Carbon -14 has a mass number of 14 and Carbon-16 has a mass number of 16). To find the number of neutrons, follow this formula: Neutrons = Mass number – Atomic number For Carbon-14, you take 14-6=8. Carbon-14 has 8 Neutrons. For Carbon-16, you take 16-6=10.

What does it mean if an isotope is radioactive?

A radioactive isotope is an isotope of an element radiating during its decay to a stable form. All isotopes have the same number of protons, however different isotopes may have differing numbers of neutrons. RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE: “The radioactive isotope was vital to the development of radioactive therapy.”.

How does an isotope become radioactive?

In an unstable atom, the nucleus changes by giving off a neutron to get back to a balanced state. As the unstable nucleus changes, it gives off radiation and is said to be radioactive. Radioactive isotopes are often called radioisotopes.

Do radioactive isotopes have stable nuclei?

Radioactive isotopes (also called radioisotopes) have unstable nuclei. These isotopes disintegrate to form atoms with stable nuclei by the release of subatomic particles and gamma rays (akin to X-rays).

What are the properties of radioactive isotopes?


  • Emits Radiation ● Radioactive isotopes are unstable so they go into a radioactive decay emitting radiations.
  • Radiation
  • Half-life (t1/2) ● ● The time taken for the activity of a radioisotope to reach half of it’s original value.
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