
How do you challenge those not working in an inclusive way?

How do you challenge those not working in an inclusive way?

Respond to inappropriate and non-inclusive behaviour

  1. Act proactively to defuse or prevent potential Issues.
  2. Address unspoken tensions or negative feelings.
  3. Hold people accountable for their behaviour and its potential consequences.
  4. Address issues in a sustainable way.
  5. Encourage, support, include and protect people.

How do you challenge discrimination UK?

If you think you’ve been unfairly discriminated against you can:

  1. complain directly to the person or organisation.
  2. use someone else to help you sort it out (called ‘mediation’ or ‘alternative dispute resolution’)
  3. make a claim in a court or tribunal.

How do you challenge a discriminatory language?

How to challenge discrimination in conversation

  1. Ask the person to explain what they mean.
  2. Challenge the opinion, not the person.
  3. Try to get the person to see the situation from another perspective.
  4. Share facts that contradict what they’re saying.
  5. Share personal experiences that contradict what they’re saying.

How can discrimination be reduced in health and social care?

Reducing the likelihood of discrimination in health and social care

  1. Respecting diversity by providing person centred care.
  2. Treating the individuals that you support as unique rather than treating all individuals in the same way.
  3. Ensuring you work in a non-judgemental way.

How can discrimination be eliminated?

Eliminating discrimination starts with dismantling barriers and ensuring equality in access to training, education as well as the ability to own and use resources such as land and credit.

How do you challenge discrimination at work?

There are three things you can do:

  1. Complain informally to your employer.
  2. Raise a grievance using your employer’s grievance procedures.
  3. Make a claim to the Employment Tribunal.

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