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How does temperature affect Alka-Seltzer?

How does temperature affect Alka-Seltzer?

According to the experiment and results, the Alka-Seltzer tablets dissolved more quickly as the temperature increased. Molecules move faster when the temperature is higher and as a result bicarbonate ions contact hydrogen to trigger the chemical reaction and produce carbon dioxide bubbles to speed up the reaction rate.

How does heat affect the solubility of Alka-Seltzer?

Procedure. The Alka-Seltzer will dissolve faster when in warmer water. As the temperature increases so the reaction time will decrease.

Does Alka-Seltzer change water temperature?

With the alka-seltzer and water, the temperature should decrease inside the cup, meaning heat was absorbed in the reaction (endothermic). The cups will feel cold on the outside as well. With the hydrogen peroxide and yeast, the cup will feel warm, indicating an exothermic reaction where heat is released.

How does the temperature affect the reaction rate?

Increasing the temperature increases the average speed of the reactant molecules. As more molecules move faster, the number of molecules moving fast enough to react increases, which results in faster formation of products.

Does Alka-Seltzer change the temperature of water?

Is Alka-Seltzer a chemical or physical change?

LAB Alka Seltzer and water Baking soda and vinegar
Physical or Chemical Change Chemical Change Chemical Change
WHY? Fizzes, gas produced (new substance), irreversible, Fizzes, gas produced (new substance), irreversible, endothermic reaction.

How can you use Alka-Seltzer to show changes in reaction rate?

Fill a clear glass with exactly 8 oz./240 mL of room temperature or lukewarm water.

  1. Use the thermometer to take the temperature and record it on your data sheet.
  2. Drop 1 Alka-Seltzer tablet into the water. Measure the time required for the reaction to be completed. Record the time.

What makes an increase in temperature change the reaction rate?

Increasing the temperature increases reaction rates because of the disproportionately large increase in the number of high energy collisions. It is only these collisions (possessing at least the activation energy for the reaction) which result in a reaction.

How do you take temperature of Alka Seltzer?

Run water from the hot tap until it is as hot as possible. Fill a clear glass with exactly 8 oz./240 mL of hot water. Use the thermometer to take the temperature and record it on your data sheet. Remove 1 Alka-Seltzer tablet from its package. Drop it into water.

What causes bubbles when you drop Alka Seltzer in water?

When the sodium bicarbonate reacts with the hydrogen ions, carbon dioxide forms, which causes the bubbles you see when you drop an Alka Seltzer tablet in water. Lots of things can influence how fast chemical reactions, like dissolving the Alka Seltzer in water, occur.

How is an Alka Seltzer used in an experiment?

With this particular experiment, we worked with Alka Seltzer, which is a base, or a molecule that can take up hydrogen ions. This is in contrast with an acid, which is a molecule that donates hydrogen ions. We tested the reaction rate, or the speed at which a reaction proceeds, of the Alka Seltzer at different temperatures: cold, room, and hot.

How are acids and bases different in Alka Seltzer?

Bases are the opposite, they accept hydrogen ions. When acids and bases come in contact with each other, they create a chemical reaction. However, in the Alka-Seltzer, the two chemicals are in a solid form, they can’t react because the molecules don’t move. When they enter water, the chemicals are released and can react.

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