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How does the pencil appear explain your answer?

How does the pencil appear explain your answer?

As you sight at the portion of the pencil that was submerged in the water, light travels from water to air (or from water to glass to air). This light ray changes medium and subsequently undergoes refraction. As a result, the image of the pencil appears to be broken. At the boundary, this ray refracts.

How does the pencil appear in the water?

Because the light can’t travel as quickly in the water as it does in the air, the light bends around the pencil, causing it to look bent in the water. Basically, the light refraction gives the pencil a slight magnifying effect, which makes the angle appear bigger than it actually is, causing the pencil to look crooked.

Why does the pencil appear bent?

The pencil appears to be bent when it is kept in a glass tumbler with water due to refraction of light. The refraction of light occurs when the speed of light changes when it travels from one medium to another.

How does the pencil appear when it immersed diagonally?

HEYA HERE IS UR ANSWER____________The pencil immersed in water apper bent and short due to refraction of light. This change of direction is called refraction. When light enters a more dense substance (higher refractive index), it ‘bends’ more towards the normal line.

How does the pencil appear in the water and in air?

A:It all has to do with the fact that light travels more slowly in water than it does in air, and that causes the light to bend when it goes from water to air, or vice versa. And that makes the pencil look like it bends slightly where it enters the water.

Why does pencil appear to bend in water?

In this experiment, light first travels through the air – which is easy to move through – and then through the water, where it slows down. This change in speed causes the light to bend, or refract, meaning that the part of the pencil that is in the water will appear shifted.

Why does a pencil partly immersed in water appear to be displaced at the interface?

Light travels fastest in the vacuum, but when it enters a denser medium the speed of light decreases. Hence, the light coming from the immersed part of the pencil bends away from the normal because the speed of light in air is more than in water. Due to this, the pencil appears displaced at the interface.

Why does a pencil appear bent in water diagram?

A pencil placed in water appears to be bent because of refraction of light. The refraction causes an apparent shift in the position of the part of the pencil within the water. This is because the optically denser medium will cause more refraction of light rays.

Why does a pencil placed in water appears bend show with the help of Ray diagram?

A stick or a pencil half immersed in water at an angle appears bent due to refraction of light at the air-water surface. A ray of light OC coming from the lower end O passes from water into air at C and gets refracted away from the normal in the direction CX. Another ray OD gets refracted in the direction DY.

How do objects look in water?

Looking from above, an object under water appears larger than it does in air. It’s not that the image the light gave our eyes is bigger. Light passing straight down would be perpendicular to the water’s surface, like the vertical line on the letter T. A closer image looks bigger–the underwater object is magnified.

What happens when you look at a pencil in water?

This visual distortion is witnessed if you look at a pencil submerged in a glass half-filled with water. As you sight through the side of the glass at the portion of the pencil located above the water’s surface, light travels directly from the pencil to your eye. Since this light does not change medium, it will not refract.

Where do light rays from a pencil intersect?

Light rays from the submerged portion of the pencil will intersect in a different location than light rays from the portion of the pencil that extends above the surface of the water. For this reason, the submerged portion of the pencil appears to be in a different location than the portion of the pencil that extends above the water.

How is the image of a pencil affected by refraction?

This light ray changes medium and subsequently undergoes refraction. As a result, the image of the pencil appears to be broken. Furthermore, the portion of the pencil that is submerged in water appears to be wider than the portion of the pencil that is not submerged. These visual distortions are explained by the refraction of light.

How does a pencil turn into a rubber wave?

If you want to see a rigid pencil turn to rubber, just ask an elementary-school student. In a favorite playground trick, an amateur magician picks up a pencil near the tip and lightly jiggles the whole thing up and down. When the illusion is performed correctly, the straight line turns into a wiggling wave.

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