
How long must parents wait before having their child Baptised in the Russian Orthodox Church?

How long must parents wait before having their child Baptised in the Russian Orthodox Church?

This is why baptism is recommended to be performed at an age from 7 to 12, so that the baptised persons would make the decision themselves. However, currently baptism is generally performed within a month or two after the baby is born, and immediately if the baby’s life is in peril because of some illness.

Does the Orthodox Church recognize Protestant baptism?

Does the Orthodox Church recognize Protestant baptism? – Quora. Yes, as does most Christian denominations. However, those that stress believers baptisms, holiness groups, Baptists, do not and insist on rebaptism for new members. That immersion is the only proper form of baptism.

What do Greek Orthodox believe about baptism?

In the Greek Orthodox Church, the day of your baptism is looked at as one of the most important because it signifies the day that you truly become a Christian. It is the true beginning of the life of an Orthodox Christian. The baptism typically takes place in infancy because it shows us how much God truly loves us.

Do you have to be Greek Orthodox to be a godparent?

These days, the church requires that at least one of the godparents is an Orthodox Christian of good standing. The other godparent doesn’t have to be Orthodox but both do need to be approved by the church or your priest. Only one godparent is really needed but a second can be chosen to assist in the process.

Can an Orthodox priest be a godfather?

1) The Sponsor (Godfather or Godmother) must be an Orthodox Christian. If the Sponsor is married, the marriage must have been blessed by an Orthodox priest. 2) The role of the Sponsor is directly related to infant baptism.

Why are unbaptized babies given grace outside of baptism?

3) Our reasoning above tends to show that the aborted babies, and probably other unbaptized babies also, are given grace by God outside the Sacrament of Baptism, and so do not depart this world in original sin, which is merely the lack of grace that should be there.

Can a unbaptised child enter the Kingdom of God?

Pseudo-Athanasios says clearly that an unbaptised person cannot enter the Kingdom of God. He also asserts that unbaptised children will not enter the Kingdom, but neither will they be lost, for they have not sinned. [12] Anastasius of Sinai expresses this even more clearly: for him, unbaptised children do not go to Gehenna.

What does Anastasius of Sinai say about unbaptized babies?

Anastasius of Sinai expresses this even more clearly: for him, unbaptised children do not go to Gehenna. But he is not able to say more; he does not express an opinion about where they do go, but leaves their destiny to God’s judgment.

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