
Is a fly a consumer?

Is a fly a consumer?

Flies are scavengers, not decomposers; decomposers and scavengers work together to break down dead animals and plants. Flies, and other scavengers such as cockroaches, find and eat dead plants and animals, breaking them into bits as they are being eaten.

What are the classification of housefly?

Musca domestica
Housefly/Scientific names

Does a fly have a backbone?

An invertebrate is an animal without a backbone. Invertebrate animals include fruit flies and sea sponges. Invertebrates are the opposite: they have no backbone.

What kingdom does a housefly belong to?


What are characteristics of housefly?

The housefly is a medium size common insect, from light to dark gray in color. The body is divided into three parts: Head: The head bear a pair of compound eyes, a pair of antenna and a retractile proboscis, which is adapted for sucking liquid food. Male eyes are closer together, while female eyes are set apart widely.

Why are flies decomposers?

Dedicated Decomposers Their digestive processes release the nutrients back into the soil. Other flies lay their eggs in manure so their maggots can feed, breaking down the manure. These decomposers complete the food chain, releasing nutrients for plants, bacteria and fungi to use.

Is a fly a herbivore carnivore or omnivore?

Are Flies herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores? Flies are Omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and other animals.

What are primary consumers and what are secondary consumers?

Primary consumers are animals that eat primary producers; they are also called herbivores (plant-eaters). Secondary consumers eat primary consumers. They are carnivores (meat-eaters) and omnivores (animals that eat both animals and plants). Tertiary consumers eat secondary consumers.

Is the common housefly a annoyance to humans?

The housefly, also known as the common housefly is a very common sighting for people everywhere, except for those living in the poles. The irritating buzz, the tickling fly pass, the annoying crawling across your television screen, and what not? Houseflies are indeed an irritation for us humans.

Which is a secondary consumer plant or rabbit?

Plants are primary producers and belong in the first trophic level. Rabbits eat primary producers, so that puts them in the second trophic level. Dogs are secondary consumers, so they would be on the third trophic level. Editors.

Why are housefly larvae good for the environment?

The ability of housefly larvae to feed and develop in a wide range of decaying organic matter might be the answer to battling the ever-increasing amounts of waste. These housefly larvae if mass-reared in a controlled environment on animal manure can reduce the bulk of waste and reduce environmental risk.

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