
Is Escalier feminine or masculine in French?

Is Escalier feminine or masculine in French?

It’s perfectly idiomatic to keep it simple and always use the singular except when referring to multiple staircases. Basically the distinction is that un escalier is a single flight of steps.

What does une serie mean in English?

feminine noun. 1. (= suite) [de questions, accidents] series. en série.

What is Le Couloir?

noun. corridor [noun] a passageway, especially one off which rooms open. Go along the corridor and up the stairs. hallway [noun] a hall or passage.

How do you spell Grenier?

grenier [ɡʀənje] N m.

How do you say series in French?

French translation of ‘series’

  1. on TV, radio) série f. A new series starts on Friday. Une nouvelle série commence vendredi. a TV series une série télévisée. a comedy series une série comique.
  2. (= succession) série f. a series of meetings une série de réunions.
  3. (= set of books, films) série f.

How is the word escalier used in other languages?

‘escalier’ in Other Languages. British English: staircase /ˈstɛəˌkeɪs/ NOUN. A staircase is a set of stairs inside a house. They walked down the staircase together. American English: staircase. Arabic: دَرَج. Brazilian Portuguese: escadaria. Chinese: 楼梯.

What’s the meaning of avoir l’esprit d’escalier?

Synonyms of “Avoir l’Esprit d’Escalier” in French and English. In English, you sometimes call this “escalator wit”, or afterwit. It means to make a witty comeback, to answer someone in a witty (and fast) way. It’s something the French really admire and are trained to do as part of our national sport: arguing and debating.

What’s the difference between Escalier and a staircase?

In other languages escalier. A staircase is a set of stairs inside a house. They walked down the staircase together. Stairs are a set of steps inside a building which go from one floor to another. We walked up a flight of stairs. Stairs are a set of steps inside a building which go from one floor to another.

Where does Il a degringole L’Escalier come from?

Il a dégringolé l’escalier. He raced down the stairs. n. Derives from the concept of society meeting in a salon in the upstairs of a home. As one leaves and is descending the stairs, one is struck by what one “should” have said when lost for words.

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