
Is Joan Procter still alive?

Is Joan Procter still alive?

Deceased (1897–1931)
Joan Beauchamp Procter/Living or Deceased

How did Joan Beauchamp Procter die?

Joan Beauchamp Procter/Cause of death

When was Joan Procter alive?

Joan Beauchamp Procter

Joan Procter
Born Joan Beauchamp Procter5 August 1897 11, Kensington Square, London, United Kingdom
Died 20 September 1931 (aged 34) St Mark’s House, St Mark’s Square, London, United Kingdom
Citizenship United Kingdom

What is Joan Beauchamp Procter known for?

Joan Beauchamp Procter was a British herpetologist, a scientist who studies reptiles and amphibians. She was a brilliant scientist who was internationally recognized in the early 1900s—a time when women were not encouraged to be scientists.

What did Joan Procter study?

Joan Procter was known all over the world for her work at the reptile house and also for her published work. Most famous is her study on the east African tortoise Testudo liveridgei, now called Malacochersus tornieri.

When was Joan Beauchamp born?

August 5, 1897
Joan Beauchamp Procter/Date of birth

Where did Joan Procter live?

London, England
Joan spent her entire life in London, England, so my research started with subscriptions to British newspapers, including The Times. Though her name was unfamiliar to me and others, Joan was well-loved and well-respected by the scientific community when she lived.

Where did Joan Procter work?

the reptile house
Joan Procter was known all over the world for her work at the reptile house and also for her published work. Most famous is her study on the east African tortoise Testudo liveridgei, now called Malacochersus tornieri.

Where was Joan Beauchamp Procter born and raised?

Joan Procter was born in London on 5 August 1897, at 11 Kensington Square, the daughter of Joseph Procter, a stockbroker, and Elizabeth Procter (née Brockbank), an artist.

How old was Joan Procter when she died?

Joan Beauchamp Procter. Joan Beauchamp Procter FZS FLS (5 August 1897 – 20 September 1931) was a notable British zoologist, internationally recognised as an outstanding herpetologist.

What kind of books did Joan Beauchamp Procter write?

She also wrote popular accounts, particularly in J. A. Hammerton ’s Wonders of Animal Life.

How did Joan Beauchamp Procter become interested in reptiles?

While still at Norland Place School (1904–1908), Joan Procter developed a special interest in amphibians and reptiles. From the age of ten she kept several snakes and lizards as pets. She became familiar with all the British species of reptile.

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