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What agreement did the Constitutional Convention reach on slavery?

What agreement did the Constitutional Convention reach on slavery?

The three-fifths compromise was an agreement reached by the state delegates at the 1787 Constitutional Convention. Under the compromise, every enslaved American would be counted as three-fifths of a person for taxation and representation purposes.

What was the agreement made at the Constitutional Convention?

Each state would be equally represented in the Senate, with two delegates, while representation in the House of Representatives would be based upon population. The delegates finally agreed to this “Great Compromise,” which is also known as the Connecticut Compromise.

Which agreement solved the disagreement over whether slaves should be counted for the purposes of representation?

Three-fifths compromise, compromise agreement between delegates from the Northern and the Southern states at the United States Constitutional Convention (1787) that three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation in the House of Representatives.

Why was counting slaves in the population a major issue at the Constitutional Convention?

The question of slavery stood as a major issue at the Constitutional Convention because slaveholders wanted slaves to be counted along with whites, termed “free inhabitants,” when determining a state’s total population.

What agreement did the delegates reach regarding enslaved people and representation with the 3/5 compromise?

What agreement did the delegates reach regarding enslaved people and representation with the Three-Fifths Compromise? They were not to be counted in the census at all.

Why was slavery not counted at the Constitutional Convention?

Delegates from Northern states, where the economy did not rely heavily on slavery, felt that slaves should not be counted toward representation because counting them would provide the South with a greater number of representatives. Southern states fought for slaves to be counted in terms of representation.

What did the north agree to at the Constitutional Convention?

The North agreed that the slave trade could continue until 1808. In addition, slaves would be counted as three-fifths of a person for representation in the House of Representatives; this was known as the “Three-Fifths Compromise.” Nationality requirements and ways to amend and ratify the Constitution were also addressed.

What was one of the compromises of the Constitutional Convention?

Great Compromise The signing of the U.S. Constitution in the State House in Philadelphia. The Commerce Compromise was one of the key compromises of the Constitutional Convention. George Washington, the first president of the United States.

Who was involved in the debate over slavery?

Some, including Benjamin Franklin (a former slaveholder) and Alexander Hamilton (who was born in a slave colony in the British West Indies) became members of anti-slavery societies. On August 21, 1787, a bitter debate broke out over a South Carolina proposal to prohibit the federal government from regulating the Atlantic slave trade.

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