
What are database specifications?

What are database specifications?

The Database Specifications are intended to support program coding and database generation by the development group. The database structure, content, data fields, and records are defined.

What is database design specification?

Database design is the organization of data according to a database model. The designer determines what data must be stored and how the data elements interrelate. With this information, they can begin to fit the data to the database model. Database management system manages the data accordingly.

What is a database requirements document?

The Data Requirements Document provides a detailed description of the data model that the system must use to fulfill its functional requirements. Users and developers work jointly to identify requirements and with HUD Data Administration for defining the domain data model.

What types of data specifications can be used in a database table?

Database Specification

  • General Architectural Description.
  • Content and PIM Functions.
  • Supported Relational Database Systems.
  • Qt Extended Database Schema.
  • Meta-data and Versioning.

What are the consequences of changing a field size in a database table?

Changing the Field Size

  • Changing the field size reduces data-entry errors.
  • Access can process smaller field sizes more quickly.
  • Smaller field sizes require less hard-drive storage space.

What is database structure?

Database structure: the building blocks of a database Within a database, related data are grouped into tables, each of which consists of rows (also called tuples) and columns, like a spreadsheet. Each row of a table is called a record.

What are functional requirements of a database?

Functional requirements should relate to the tasks that the database system will perform, usually in the form of searching and sorting (queries). Functional requirements may also provide detail around the data that must be held in the database.

What components are included in a database?

The five major components of a database are hardware, software, data, procedure, and database access language.

What is the purpose of a database specification?

The Database Specifications are intended to support program coding and database generation by the development group. The database structure, content, data fields, and records are defined.

How is the specification method used in Java?

The central part of a specification is the isSatisfiedBy() method, which is used to check if an object satisfies the specification. toPredicate() is an additional method we use in this example to return the constraint as javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate instance which can be used to query a database.

How to create database specification out of model?

With Visual Paradigm, you can reverse your database to Entity-Relationship (ER) models which allows you to analyze and document them by creating context-sensitive Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD). Then, you can create a detailed database specification out of your model.

What to consider during the database design process?

Below is a list of items to consider during the design process of a database. Conceptual schema: there is only one. This schema includes data items, relationships and constraints, all represented in an ERD. Data independence refers to the immunity of user applications to changes made in the definition and organization of data.

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