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What are examples of esoteric?

What are examples of esoteric?

The definition of esoteric is something only understood by a chosen group. An example of esoteric is pa++ern, an embroidery language. Having to do with concepts that are highly theoretical and without obvious practical application; often with mystical or religious connotations. Confidential; private; withheld.

How is esoteric used in a simple sentence?

Esoteric in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Eric made an esoteric joke that only he and his brother understood.
  2. Only a couple of people I know share your esoteric thoughts on those religious principles.
  3. While the writing appeared simple, its meaning was esoteric in the fact only a number of scholars could comprehend it.

What is the meaning of life is a conundrum of esoterica?

little known; obscure.” Strictly by definitions, what Monty is saying is that “life is a confusing problem of profound and difficult things understood only by a few.”

What is an esoteric conversation?

Esoteric means “understood by only a chosen few”. An esoteric person would have select interests shared by few others and would speak in big or rarely used words, that would typically go over the heads of the people s/he converses with.

Can you call someone esoteric?

What does esoteric mean? Esoteric most commonly means obscure and only understood or intended to be understood by a small number of people with special (and perhaps secret) knowledge. It’s often used to describe knowledge that’s only intended to be revealed to people who have been initiated into a certain group.

What is exoteric knowledge?

Exoteric refers to knowledge that is outside and independent from a person’s experience and can be ascertained by anyone (related to common sense). It is distinguished from internal esoteric knowledge. “Exoteric” relates to external reality as opposed to a person’s thoughts or feelings.

Does esoteric mean obscure?

What does esoteric mean? Esoteric most commonly means obscure and only understood or intended to be understood by a small number of people with special (and perhaps secret) knowledge.

Who said life is a conundrum of esoterica?

Lemony Snicket
Quote by Lemony Snicket: “Life is a conundrum of esoterica.”

How do you use the word esoteric in a sentence?

Use esoteric in sentence. Stray copies of the suppressed first edition, true enough, fell into the hands of critics who saw the story’s value, and during the first year or two of the century it enjoyed a sort of esoteric vogue, and encouragement came from unexpected sources.

How do you use the word exoteric in a sentence?

(1) It is provided with the true exoteric modernity.

  • (2) China will be more exoteric towards the world.
  • (3) I just read one exoteric modern novel in my high school.
  • (4) Now every young people should have the exoteric eyereach,the enjoyable heart,the long-range sagacity in their life and work.
  • What does esoterica mean?

    esoterica – secrets known only to an initiated minority. arcanum, secret – information known only to a special group; “the secret of Cajun cooking”.

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