
What are the natural resources of Latin America?

What are the natural resources of Latin America?

MINERAL RESOURCES Gold, silver, iron, copper, bauxite (aluminum ore), tin, lead, and nickel—all these minerals are abundant in Latin America. In addition, mines throughout the region produce precious gems, titanium, and tungsten. In fact, South America is among the world’s leaders in the mining of raw materials.

What was the main goal of early explorers in Latin America?

Their goals were to expand Catholicism and to gain a commercial advantage over Portugal. To those ends, Ferdinand and Isabella sponsored extensive Atlantic exploration. Spain’s most famous explorer, Christopher Columbus, was actually from Genoa, Italy.

How did the Age of Exploration affect Latin America?

The arrival of Europeans in Latin America had a catastrophic impact on the region’s indigenous peoples. As we learned, Europeans brought a host of deadly diseases, including smallpox, influenza, and measles, against which the indigenous peoples had no immunity.

What resources in Latin America were important to the United States?

Production of precious metals, sugar, rubber, grains, coffee, copper, and oil have at various periods of history made countries in Latin America-and their colonial powers-some of the most prosperous in the world.

Why did European explorers come to America?

They wanted to spread Christianity. They also hoped to gain new lands and wealth for their countries. Finally, you read about the valuable cargo of New World plants that explorers brought back to Europe.

What is the most used natural resource in Europe?

Zinc and copper are the primary resources shared by almost all European countries.

What natural resources are in South America?

South America’s major mineral resources are gold, silver, copper, iron ore, tin, and petroleum. These resources found in South America have brought high income to its countries especially in times of war or of rapid economic growth by industrialized countries elsewhere.

Why did Europeans want to explore the New World?

European explorers were also motivated by the simple spirit of adventure inherited from the curious age of the Renaissance. Regardless of the reasons or motivations, the Age of Exploration changed the face of the globe. It opened up new trade routes, increased European wealth, and forever changed the Americas.

Why was wealth important in the exploration of the New World?

Without a doubt, wealth was a huge objective in exploration of the New World, so let’s dig a little bit deeper. At the time of exploration, Western Europe was enthralled with the wealth of the Far East brought home by European soldiers returning from the Crusades.

Why was the 15th century called the age of exploration?

The mid-to-late 15th century is known to history as the Age of Exploration, the time in which Europeans dared to venture beyond the coastal waters of Old World Europe to the new world of the Americas.

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