
What are the two basic functions of trial courts?

What are the two basic functions of trial courts?

What are the two basic functions of trial courts? First, they must determine whose version of the facts is most credible. Second, they must apply the law to those facts to reach a decision.

What is a trial court and what does it do?

The trial-level courts hear civil and criminal cases. They may be called the Supreme Court, the Court of Queen’s Bench, or the Superior Court of Justice.

What is the trial court system?

A trial court or court of first instance is a court of original jurisdiction in which most civil or criminal cases commence. In the trial court, evidence and testimony are first introduced, received and considered. A municipal court is an example of a trial court with limited jurisdiction.

What is the purpose and function of the court?

Courts apply the law to specific controversies brought before them. They resolve disputes between people, companies and units of government. Often, courts are called on to uphold limitations on the government. They protect against abuses by all branches of government.

Why does a case go to trial?

Usually, defendants choose to have a jury trial because they want a jury of their peers to hear the evidence and decide their guilt. But sometimes there may be circumstances where a defense attorney will recommend a court trial without a jury.

What cases go to trial?

In California criminal cases, a jury trial is where 12 members of the community are assembled to hear the evidence and decide whether or not a defendant is guilty of the crime or crimes with which he or she is charged. All persons accused of misdemeanors or felonies are entitled to a jury trial.

What is a court function?

The courts’ function is to adjudicate legal disputes between parties and carry out the administration of justice in accordance with the rule of law. The courts’ role is to determine disputes in the form of cases which are brought before them.

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