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What country did Peter Pond come from?

What country did Peter Pond come from?

Peter Pond
Born January 18, 1739
Died 1807 (aged 68) Milford, Connecticut
Nationality British (1739-1776) and American (1776-his death)
Occupation Soldier, fur trader, explorer and a cartographer

When was Peter Pond born?

January 18, 1739
Peter Pond/Date of birth

Who were Peter Pond’s parents?

Peter Pond is Notable. Peter Pond was an army officer, fur trader, explorer and map maker. He was born on January 18, 1739, in Milford, Connecticut. His parents were Peter Pond and Mary Hubbard.

Who is Peter Pond for kids?

18 Jan. 1739/40 in Milford, Conn., eldest son of Peter Pond and Mary Hubbard; m. Susanna Newell, probably in 1762, and they had at least two children; d. 1807 in Milford….

Title of Article: POND, PETER
Publication Name: Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 5

When did Peter Pond travel to Alberta or Western Canada?

Pond’s questing nature turned then to the work that made him famous, or perhaps infamous, and he travelled west to join the fur trade business, probably in 1765.

When did Peter Pond travel to Alberta?

In 1778 fellow traders chose him to take goods from the lower Saskatchewan River into the Athabasca country, which they had heard of from the Indigenous people. He accomplished the difficult journey, wintering on the Athabasca River and doing an extremely good trade.

Who replaced Peters Pond?

Alexander Mackenzie was sent to Athabasca to replace Pond. He wintered with Pond at Ponds Old Establishment in 1787-88. There is no doubt that Mackenzie obtained all of his geographical information on the surrounding country from Page 3 186 / ARCTIC PROFILES Peter Pond.

What contributions did Peter Pond make to Alberta?

Peter Pond (1739/40-1807) opened up the Athabasca region to European awareness, exploration and, ultimately, economic development.

Where was Sir Alexander Mackenzie born?

Stornoway, United Kingdom
Alexander Mackenzie/Place of birth

Where did Peter Pond live most of his life?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. Peter Pond (January 18, 1739 or 1740 – 1807) was a soldier with a Connecticut Regiment, a fur trader, a founding member of the North West Company and the Beaver Club, an explorer and a cartographer. Though he was born and died in Milford, Connecticut, most of his life was spent in northwestern North America.

Who was Peter Pond in the French and Indian War?

Peter Pond (January 18, 1739 or 1740 – 1807) was a soldier with a Connecticut Regiment during the French and Indian War, a fur trader, a founding member of the North West Company and the Beaver Club, an explorer and a cartographer. Though he was born and died in Milford, Connecticut, most of his life was spent in northwestern North America.

When did Peter Pond send his map to the US?

In 1785, one copy of Pond’s map, accompanied by a detailed report, was submitted to the United States Congress and a second to the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec, Henry Hamilton. Pond needed financial support to carry his explorations to the limits of North America’s northwest, but the British government was not forthcoming.

Where did Peter Pond get his pemmican from?

Peter Pond is credited with introducing this vital food to the trade in 1779, having obtained it from the Chipewyans in the Athabasca region. Later, posts along the Red, Assiniboine, and North Saskatchewan Rivers were devoted to acquiring pemmican from Aboriginal peoples living in the…

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