Common questions

What did Socrates influence?

What did Socrates influence?

But the two most important ancient schools of thought that were influenced by Socrates were Stoicism, founded by Zeno of Citium, and Skepticism, which became, for many centuries, the reigning philosophical stance of Plato’s Academy after Arcesilaus became its leader in 273 bce.

What were Plato and Aristotle known for?

428–c. 348 BCE) and Aristotle (384–322 BCE) are generally regarded as the two greatest figures of Western philosophy. For some 20 years Aristotle was Plato’s student and colleague at the Academy in Athens, an institution for philosophical, scientific, and mathematical research and teaching founded by Plato in the 380s.

What were the major beliefs of Socrates?

Philosophy. Socrates believed that philosophy should achieve practical results for the greater well-being of society. He attempted to establish an ethical system based on human reason rather than theological doctrine. Socrates pointed out that human choice was motivated by the desire for happiness.

What was Socrates impact on Plato’s work?

Socrates became Plato’s teacher from 469-399 BCE. Plato was deeply influenced by Socrates’ emphasis on ethics and politics, and would later commemorate Socrates as the wise and central speaker in his philosophical writings.

Was Socrates a real man or an invention of Plato?

Socrates was a real man, but some scholars believe that some of Socrates’ beliefs are truly just Plato, his student, writing things and saying that Socrates believed in them. The world today has virtually no idea whether Socrates believed everything that is recorded in Plato’s Republic.

What was the relation between Socrates and Plato?

From historical sources it is known that Socrates was Plato’s teacher and that Socrates was Plato’s elder by at least a few decades. Other than this, things become far less clear when examining the relationship between these two founders of western philosophy.

What did Socrates Plato and Aristotle think of democracy?

Ancient Athens is often associated with democracy, but our favorite Greek thinkers (Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle) were unapologetically elitist. Their theories of human nature were less than flattering. As a result, they strongly criticized democracy as an inherently corrupt and inefficient form of government.

How was Socrates similar to the Sophists?

Socrates and the Sophists share a respective way of thinking when it comes to their beliefs in epistemology, their clear usage of rhetoric for argumentation, and also their acts of educating people. The theory about knowledge called epistemology began for the very first time when Socrates and the Sophists began to give their explanations about the difference between belief and opinion.

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